Many people suffer from a condition that can be prevented. And it is happening to those who don’t have a family history (of the condition) at a relatively young age (in their 20s and 30s). I am talking about kidney stones.
The number of cases are increasing, probably due to extremely poor eating habits and very low intake of water — a lifestyle that most young people subsisting on junk, sodas and too much coffee seem to be living on today. And this number tends to skyrocket during the summer months.
That’s because in these dehydrating months, the lack of water (less than the recommended 2-3 litres per day) increases the risk of kidney stones exponentially.
Basically, the lack of fluids in the body makes the urine concetrated and leads to increased residual salt in the kidneys, which — over time — hardens and forms crystal-like stones. These cause excruciating pain in the bladder and may even require surgery.
So, here are some simple ways to prevent kidney stones this summer:
Stay hydrated
Drink 8 to 10 glasses of water every day to help flush out the toxins, residual salt and waste clogged in your kidneys. Seasonal fruits help keep the body hydrated.
Avoid dehydrating foods like alcohol, coffee, tea, soy sauce, fried food, and sugary drinks.
Aerated drinks might lead to higher levels of oxalate in the urine, thus upping the risk of kidney stones, and the high level of caffeine in most energy drinks also increases urinary calcium excretion.
Lose excess weight
Excess weight tends to be problem too as the obese tend to excrete more acidic urine leading to increased risk of stone formation.
Say no to processed foods
These are usually high in salt (sodium), which leads to higher calcium excretion as increased amount of sodium passing into the urine can also pull calcium along with it. This increases the probability of stone formation. High salt intake also decreases citrate excretion in urine (citrate inhibits stone formation).
Secondly, processed foods by default tend to be low in fibre, which again creates havoc with the excretion of calcium oxalate and uric acid in urine, often leading to stone formation.
Alert yourself about oxalate
Limit your intake of food high in oxalate as these bind with calcium and form stones in the kidneys. Avoid foods such as peanuts, legumes, sweet potatoes, spinach, beetroot, nuts and tea.
Drink and eat more citrus fruits (lemon, lime and orange) as the citrate in them prevents stone formation.
Limit animal protein
A high-protein diet also reduces levels of citrate, the chemical in urine that helps prevent stones from forming.
Don’t pop pills
Excessive use of over-the-counter medicines like some laxatives, antacids containing magnesium trisilcate and cough suppressants containing Guaifenesin and Ephedrine can increase the risk of stone formation.
Too many supplements are not such a great idea. Always have supplements only under direction.