Everyone wants to detox today. Let me rephrase that: everyone is obsessed with detoxing. And thanks to this obsession, multiple stringent detox diets are doing the rounds, and people realise only after trying them out that they don't really work, and probably instead weaken the body from inside. That happens because most of these are just extremely low-calorie diets in the garb of “detox” nirvana plans.
While most people do attempt detox to drop pounds fast, a better idea is to do it for health reasons. Instead of looking at detoxing as a way to squeeze into a tight dress by the weekend, consider it a solution to ease the heavily taxed body and bust symptoms like fatigue, foggy brain, unexplained aches and pains, bad breath, low immunity and digestive issues.
In fact, sinus problems, asthma, abnormal body odour, food allergies, brittle nails and hair, psoriasis, adult acne are also classic signs that scream for a detox. Solve all these, and weight loss will happen any way as a pleasant side-effect.
Looking at detox as a short-term fix is also not the way to go about it. Because that is actually like taking a vacation and then going back to the same stressful life. The body will begin showing the very same symptoms soon again, unless you bring about concrete lifestyle changes.
So how to do it right?
Like I said, a liquid diet, or expensive over-the-counter remedies and short-term fixes are clearly not the answer. So how should one detox the body?
For starters, please realise that our diet today is chockfull of processed foods laden with additives and preservatives, and these put a strain on the digestive system and lead to accumulation of toxins in the body. But how do you know if your body is polluted? If you are on your third diet cola by noon, and have more than a few phone numbers of takeaways stored in your phone (and use them often too), your system could probably use a break.
So, let’s first begin cutting out what is “clearly” toxic from our daily diet. This includes smoking, excess processed food, chocolates and obviously alcohol. Also do away with sugar in your diet. Sugar is really detrimental to health not only because of the excess calories it easily provides, but also because it suppresses our immune system in a big way.
Second, cut down those endless cups of coffee now! Give your liver a chance to rest from detoxifying all that caffeine every day. This will have tremendous physical benefits in terms of more energy, better sleep and reduced stress. And please don’t try stopping dead bolt — always taper off to avoid extremely uncomfortable withdrawal effects (like a splitting headache).
Better still switch to green tea. It’s okay to drink green tea if you're a caffeine addict, as green tea contains only a fraction of the caffeine of black tea and coffee. Plus, these herbal teas are delicious energy and mood boosters!
Third, focus on fruits and vegetables to up the supply of antioxidants (like vitamins E and C, beta carotene and some trace minerals like selenium, copper et al).
These will help detoxify the body by getting rid of free radicals (which make you feel unhealthy and fatigued and, in the long run, also lead to myriad diseases like heart problem et al). But instead of opting for a stringent liquid regimen of fruit and vegetable juices, go for a natural food-based detox of fruits, veggies, nuts, whole grains, and fish, and raw or cooked very simply.
It will also help immensely to go vegetarian for a while, or at least cut down heavily on non-vegetarian foods. This will support the liver with nutrients and easy-to-digest food, while it works overtime to cleanse your system.
I feel a very effective way to ease yourself into a detox programme is to pencil in a weekend of eating only fruits and vegetables. But if a headache comes up or you get uncomfortable, add some brown rice and some warm clear soups or some lightly cooked fish to the diet.
Finally, hydrate and then some. Water is an essential element of every bodily function and an amazing detox tool. It helps dilute toxins and waste products for their easy expulsion from our body, regulates and maintains our body temperature, and also helps to clear excessive fats from our bloodstream.
Try this — you can also take warm water by way of this herbal concoction: boil some cumin, coriander and fennel in boiling water and then drink the mixture.
Is detox a good idea?
It works if done right. However, it’s more important to expel the stuff that makes your body toxic in the first place. If you're addicted to booze and fast food, even if you lay off for a week, and then start eating burgers and fries again, and begin going to the pub after work hours every day, well, that strict week on the wagon won't do you much good. It’s as good as wasted.
Detoxes, when used like Band-Aid, don’t work. They only work when you learn from them and apply the principles to your every day life.