
Four ways to detox, physically and mentally

Kavita Devgan
Kavita DevganMar 23, 2015 | 18:27

Four ways to detox, physically and mentally

There are just too many temptations - so the toxins pile up in proportion too. If you are feeling sluggish and out of sync, maybe the pile's deep and dirty - and your body is screaming for help. But instead of resorting to the near-starvation "only juices" and other so-called punishing detox regimes (stop being so gullible - there are no shortcuts possible to undo your calorific sins), I suggest you make these four basic changes for a lasting clean up - and to get the spring back in your step.


Clean up your plate


First do away with the junk: the dictionary defines junk as "useless, discarded articles, rubbish and nonsense". While calling junk food all this might seem a bit stern, the fact is that most of these are too low in nutrients and too high in stuff we must have less of. Consider this: one fast food or takeaway meal may have more than 50 per cent of your daily fat allowance and almost 75 per cent of your daily calorie allowance (often even more), besides humongous amounts of sugar, salt and trans fats - all toxic devils. Yes, I am talking about that hamburger with fries you invariably order for lunch every day (when you are not ordering the pizza!). So to clean up, stay away from these for a while, and instead, eat plenty of fibre to get the gut back in action and help move waste through your system; plate lots of cruciferous vegetables, especially broccoli, cabbage, and cauliflower (they are rich in glucosinolates that stimulate detoxifiying enzymes); and munch on vitamin C rich foods - these help the body produce gluta-thione (also found in watermelon and walnuts), a compound that drains out toxins. Go for oranges, lime, Indian gooseberry (amla), kiwi, broccoli and guava. In fact, an amla a day is a brilliant stay clean strategy!


Hydrate. Hydrate. Hydrate


Make sure you have at least seven to ten average sized glasses of water each day. Water makes up most of our human body; it is an essential element of every single bodily function - and is an amazing detox tool. Most toxins are water soluble, or are made water soluble by the liver, so enough water is needed to help drain them out. Plus water also regulates and maintains our body temperature, and clears excessive fats from our bloodstreams.

Adopt exercise


Before you say "where's the time", read this - even gentle exercise gets the circulation going (and prevents a build up of toxins). But today lack of exercise is an epidemic. We are a technology focused generation (email instead of walking to the next cubicle to talk to a colleague...), and that along with our inherent laziness is what is making our systems toxic from inside. Solution? Make physical activity a priority - write it into your schedule and then stick to it. Better still make an appointment with yourself by keying it in your calendar. Make a list of exercises you wouldn't mind doing and keep varying them to avoid boredom. If a morning walk is not possible? Don't worry - just walk for three 10-minute bursts through the day.


Destress consciously


Stress hormones are meant to kick in, in emergencies, but today we live a life where we activate them all the time... when we have a deadline to meet, when someone stands us up for a date, when there's a scratch on our car... Research has already established that chronic stress can crumble our body's immune system, create havoc with our hormones and accelerate aging. Simply put, it makes us a sickness magnate. So sort out what's causing the stress. And identify some ease-out steps that work for you. Walking amidst greenery, listening to relaxation tapes, attempting deep relaxation through meditation, and deep breathing... are some suggestions that help by replenishing the body with more oxygen and removing excess carbon dioxide - basically reversing the ramifications of stress.

Last updated: March 23, 2015 | 18:27
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