It can be snatched away any second, by the landlord, or by the plumber who won’t listen to you.
...Full Story[Book extract] I froze when I saw the box of Masti condoms resting against my silvery purple sandals.
...Full StoryIs it because our primary doctor's diagnosis was doubtful and presumptive? Or is it because we want to avoid the treatment recommended?
...Full StoryLack of knowledge, understanding and empathy can be blamed for the insensitive treatment of those with psychiatric disorders.
...Full StoryRegardless of how hard scientists work at understanding the causes of cancer, there will always be some unanswered questions.
...Full StoryShutting down an educational institution such as Deepalaya School, which is a boon for underprivileged children, is a short-sighted move.
...Full StoryMedical decision-making should not be solely a parent’s responsibility.
...Full StoryLack of infrastructure, medical supplies and healthcare personnel have compromised the quality of care.
...Full StoryCar crashes kill and maim thousands of people every year, and are the second leading case of death for young people globally.
...Full StoryPatients suffering from cancer and those with mental health issues can also benefit from Creative Movement Therapy.
...Full Story