A court recently allowed a woman to have a child by the very man she was divorcing. The case also spotlights other crucial reproductive issues in India including infertility, ART, surrogacy and abortion.
...Full StoryThe Emergency meant a surface of tranquility in Union-ridden Kerala. But under the surface, tremendous brutality simmered, which burst forth in the P Rajan case that rocked the state.
...Full StoryCartoons are a way to laugh even in dark times. As the Church objects to an award-winning cartoon showing a rape-accused Bishop, will the Kerala govt protect our freedom to mock?
...Full StoryCrazy Mohan was adored for his sparklingly funny comedies, his brilliant wordplay and his marvellous ability to make absolutely clean jokes.
...Full StoryAs a govt proposal to introduce Hindi learning to the South stokes up decades-old resistance, it is clear the opposition to Hindi has gone nowhere. That's despite several Hindi-speakers working in the South.
...Full StoryThe southern states had a place of pride in maintaining a healthy sex ratio, even as some of the north Indian states were faring abjectly. So, how did the tables turn?
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