Gautam Bhan

Gautam Bhan

Activist, author and researcher

The author teaches at the Indian Institute for Human Settlements, Bengaluru, where his work focuses on urban poverty, inequality and welfare. He has been part of social movements on gender and sexuality rights in Delhi for many years. He is the author of In the Public’s Interest: Evictions, Citizenship and Inequality in Contemporary Delhi, as well as the co-editor of Because I have a Voice: Queer Politics in India.

By Gautam Bhan

[India Today] We can’t transform Indian cities at our will

The Indian city in 2017 felt like a character from a Carver story as a lot has not been talked about in the discourse of 'smartness'.

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Gautam Bhan on right to privacy and its links to Section 377

This post first appeared on the writer's Facebook page.

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Sexuality in India: Ambedkar’s fight still remains the battle of our time

[Book excerpt] As India turns 70, a gay citizen looks at the (In)dignity of our sexualities.

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