Filmy music often ‘borrows’ heavily from Urdu and Hindi classics, and folk music.
...Full StoryA gauntlet has been thrown in front of Adityanath government in Uttar Pradesh.
...Full StoryHe represents both an ideal and a dilemma for scribes of the day.
...Full StoryBy refusing to take up the concerns of its own community seriously, it has ceded both moral and legal ground.
...Full StoryA person who does not get to choose her/his sexual mate is a slave.
...Full StoryAll these stories are told and retold, and enacted and reviewed every day, everywhere.
...Full StoryInspired by Rudyard Kipling's 'If'.
...Full StoryI am judging you as I judge all politicians - through statements and silences, through action and inaction.
...Full StoryThe real battle is to correct labour and wage imbalances. Fight for inheritance and your right to work.
...Full StoryIf you want casual sex, do not approach women on your team.
...Full Story