8 images from How do adults with dyscalculia or number dyslexia navigate life?!
Many of us are bad at math but a few of us are downright hopeless at it. If you struggle with everyday aspects of life involving mathematical concepts like telling time, counting money and performing easy mental calculations, it might be time to consider if you have dyscalculia. Dyscalculia is a math learning disability that impairs an individual's ability to learn number-related concepts, perform accurate math calculations, reason and problem-solve and perform other basic math skills. Dyscalculia is sometimes called 'number dyslexia' or 'math dyslexia'. If you do come to the realisation that you have the said condition, we don't want you to feel too bleak about it. Read on to see the beauty in our everyday tussle with math.
Being horrible at mental math is your biggest sign of Dyscalculia.
Differentiation between left and right may not come naturally to you, if you have dyscalculia.
If you are finger counting as an adult, you know there is something not right about it.
It might take you a tad bit longer to read the time if you have dyscalculia.
If graphs and charts don't make your life easier, it could be a sign of dyscalculia.
Math anxiety is common for people with dyscalculia.
Unfortunately, dyscalculia can also make you terrible at board games.
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