An unprecedented surge of positive energy erupted at the Jawaharlal Nehru University campus on Monday (November 13). Sri Sri Ravi Shankar delivered the 13th Nehru Memorial Lecture at the Convention Centre in the morning, followed by a mass-interaction session in the evening, which also featured Rajyavardhan Singh Rathore, minister of state for sports and youth affairs. In his lecture Sri Sri — or Guruji as he is popularly called — spoke of “Inner Peace, Outer Dynamism,” showing how closely interrelated, even interdependent they are.
Inner balance
Peace, he said, was neither lethargy, nor complacency, but inner balance and equipoise. The Bhagavad Gita defined it as “samatvamyogauchyate” (equanimity characterises yoga). As to dynamism in the world, which is the outer manifestation of the vitality of a being, Guruji suggested that it corresponds with another elucidation of yoga in the Gita, “Yogahkarmasukaushalam” (yoga is a skill in action). Art of Living, he explained, was really the management of energy. When you are agitated or anxious, you lose perspective and efficiency. Better to be calm and purposeful.
When a student asked if he preferred the peace of Mahatma Gandhi to the dynamism of Bhagat Singh, he counter questioned, “How do you know that Bhagat Singh did not have inner peace?” As to Gandhiji, everyone knows how dynamic he was, ceaselessly intervening with nonviolent activism in the real world, even in the midst of the worst violence. Both resisted British colonialism in their own way, Guruji added; both were relevant in their time and we can learn from both.
In the afternoon session, Sri Sri gently censured the tendency to label as “anti-national” those who disagree with our views. “How can anyone living in this country be anti-national?” he wondered, before adding, “if they are truly anti-national, they need help, counselling.” Youth is full of energy and idealism, which are so necessary for our growth. Growth implies change, not stasis.
Like trade and technology, traditions and textbooks also need constant renovation and revision, Guruji said. In response to another question, he also came out in support of gay rights but urged his listeners to go beyond body identification, “Find out who you are, how magnificent and limitless your consciousness is.”
Both programmes started quite on time, which was refreshing. In the evening, minister Rathore, a youth icon, Olympic silver medallist, and former colonel in the 9th Grenadiers (Mewar) Regiment of the Indian army, also spoke well. He urged his younger listeners to build their self-confidence. He reminded his audience that though he graduated from the National Defence Academy (NDA), his degree was awarded by JNU. “We are living in a wonderful world today, especially in India, which is on a great growth track,” he said, “so all of you can achieve your dreams.”
Earlier, Vikram Hazra captivated the audience with his unique style of devotional pop, combining Hindi film tunes with bhajans. He ended with a rendering of John Lennon’s “Imagine,” which has come to stand for our hopes to transform the order of things.
One of Sri Sri’s messages was that our actions were more important than our words. Each being had a vibration; if we took care of what kind of “vibes” we emit and radiate, building trust rather than mistrust, joy rather than depression, positive rather than negative energies, others around us would also respond favourably. Eventually, if everyone participated in such an emotional stampede, the world would be a much better place. “Haribol,” the celebratory cry of loving fellowship, sounded from the JNU stadium for the first time on so grand a scale truly. It brought out a different sort of energy than the anti-establishment rallying calls and war cries of protest that we are so used to on what is possibly India’s last Left-wing bastion.
Going by Sri Sri’s peace efforts the world over, especially his remarkable successes in Columbia, Iraq, Cote d’Ivoire, Cameroon, Sri Lanka, and Kosovo, he is the right candidate for a Nobel Peace Prize. Mahatma Gandhi, India’s champion of peace and non-violence, did not get the prize in the last century.
All the more reason why Sri Sri should? Especially, if his peace process in Kashmir and Ayodhya bear fruit. In Kashmir, he has brought the families of the victims of violence, both militants and armed forces personnel, together for the first time. As chief minister Mahbooba Mufti put it, it was a new “beginning in the process of truth and reconciliation.”
When it comes to Ayodhya, Guruji has been working quietly behind the scenes. Over a decade back, I myself was privy to a meeting between Sri Sri and Syed Shahabuddin, former diplomat and Janata Party leader, who passed away earlier this year. Nothing much came of that, but perhaps today the time is ripe for a final resolution that is satisfactory to all the disputants. The Art of Living, as he said in JNU, was the capacity to work for peace in the midst of disturbance. Sri Sri, with his global outreach in over 150 countries, has touched the lives of over 300 million people.
The Nobel, if awarded to him, will give his work even greater visibility and prestige, as also enhance the standing of India as a world leader in inclusive, non-violent, peace-making processes. Sri Sri has once again demonstrated the innovative and creative potential of Sanatana Dharma to heal, help, and transform. “Sudarshan Kriya,” a special type of pranayama or breath-work, which came to him reportedly in a dream vision, has already helped millions of people across the world to attain better physical and mental health.
Given how troubled our world is, peace must also be marketed and promoted, not only sought and practiced. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar has become a recognisable global peace ambassador and symbol of our commitment to it. He and his movement, Art of Living, certainly deserve to be seriously considered for the Nobel Peace Prize.
(Courtesy of Mail Today.)