Top 10 Countries With The Most Millionaires 

7 JULY, 2023

Dristi Sharma

Photo: Unsplash

Switzerland's financial services industry, stable economy, and favourable tax policies have attracted global investors and individuals, resulting in 15.5% of millionaires out of the total population.


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Hong Kong's vibrant business environment, thriving real estate market, and strong connectivity to international markets have contributed to its wealth. Millionaires: 15.3%

2. hong kong

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Kuwait, a small but wealthy country, is known for its abundant oil reserves, which have been instrumental in creating millionaires. 15% of its pollution are millionaires.

3. kuwait

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Singapore, a global financial and business hub, has 12.7% of its population as millionaires due to its pro-business environment,  robust financial sector and favourable tax laws.

4. singapore

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Australia's abundant natural resources, robust financial system, and high standard of living have led to a significant number of millionaires. 11.2% of its population are millionaires. 

5. australia 

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9.7% of the US population are millionaires. The wealth is driven by its strong economy, vibrant entrepreneurial culture, and the presence of major financial centres like New York City.

6. usa

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New Zealand's attractive lifestyle and investment opportunities have attracted affluent individuals to the country. 9.6% of its adult population are millionaires. 

7.  new ZEALAND 

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8.5% of the Netherlands population comprises millionaires. The Netherlands' diverse industries, including technology, finance, and agriculture have led to the high wealth in the country.

8. THE Netherlands 

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Denmark, recognised for its high standard of living and social welfare system, has 8.5% of its population as millionaires.


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Canada's business-friendly environment, skilled workforce, and strong immigration policies have also attracted entrepreneurs and investors. 7.6% population are millionaires.


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Out of the 140 crore population in India, 0.1% are millionaires.

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