30 JAN 2023

100 Days of Polar Night in Norway


a dark archipelago

The Norwegian archipelago of Svalbard observes 3 months of sunless winter from mid-November through the end of January.

Photo: Associated Press


The region is so close to the North Pole that the sun is at least six degrees below the horizon.

Photo: Associated Press

the polar night

In the polar night, the sun does not rise above the horizon for several months, leading to continuous darkness.

Photo: Associated Press

life without the light

It is challenging to adjust to living in the black and white landscape, bereft of sunlight and trees. 

Photo: Associated Press

the population

Miners, scientists and tourism workers of more than 50 nationalities make up most of Svalbard’s 3,000 inhabitants

Photo: Associated Press

no room for error

Owing to its unforgiving climate, no old, unemployed or sick people are allowed in Svalbard. People who cannot take care of themselves are evicted.

Video: Twitter/JonasAliGhanizadeh

passing the time

Winter sports such as cross-country skiing, ice fishing and dog sledding are popular in Svalbard during the polar night.

Photo: Associated Press

getting around

Snowmobiles and boats with ice-strengthened hulls are used for transportation during the polar night.

Photo: Associated Press

mental health

However, the prolonged darkness can affect mental health, so it's important to have social support and engage in activities that boost mood and morale.

Photo: Associated Press

"dark & depressing"

“When the dark season comes, we’re used to seeing northern lights, the moon, stars, & the snow lit up. Now it's became dark and depressing,” a local told AP.

Photo: Associated Press


A number of festivals are held during the polar night to celebrate the return of the sun and to combat the winter blues.

Photo: Associated Press

aurora borealis

The polar night also provides an opportunity to observe the stunning Northern Lights.

Photo: Getty Images