white and green starbucks cup on brown wooden table

What Does A Starbucks Coffee Cost Around The World?

16 JUNE, 2023

Dristi Sharma

a starbucks cup surrounded by roasted coffee beans

Photo: Unsplash

A recent study by TalkMarkets revealed the Starbucks affordability index, showcasing the prices of a Tall Latte across the 80 countries where Starbucks operates. 

the tall latte index

a person holding a drink

Photo: Unsplash

In Türkiye, you can find the cheapest cup (around the world) of Starbucks's tall latte, for only $1.31 (Rs 108).

1. Türkiye

Starbucks logo

Photo: Unsplash

You can find a tall latte in Brazil for $1.91 (Rs 161). It is the second cheapest one. 

2. brazil

Video: Ananya Bhattacharya

Though in the top 10 for the list of cheapest coffee, getting a cup of tall latte will cost you $2.84 (Rs 233). 

3. italy

WhatsApp Video 2023-06-16 at 12.44.16

WhatsApp Video 2023-06-16 at 12.44.16

gray and white Starbucks Coffee sign

Photo: Unsplash

Famously known as one of the most caffeinated countries, for a cup of Tall Latte you have to pay $3.26 (Rs 268) in the US.

4. united states 

white starbucks ceramic mug on brown wooden table

Photo: Unsplash

For a cup of Tall Latte, you have to pay $3.29 (Rs 270) in Romania.


man in white dress shirt writing on white paper

Photo:  Unsplash

In New Zealand, getting a steaming hot cup of latte will cost you $3.34 (Rs 274)

6. New Zealand

a store filled with lots of food and drinks

Photo: Unsplash

In India, where having a cup of Starbucks in your hand has become a status symbol, a cup of tall latte will cost $3.56 (INR 295). 

7. india 

a starbucks sign in front of a restaurant

Photo: Unsplash

Starbucks will charge you $3.57 for a cup of a tall latte (Rs 294) in Japan.


Photo: Unsplash

One of the costliest countries to get a Starbucks coffee; in Denmark, a tall latte will cost you $6.55 (Rs 538)

9. denmark

Photo: Unsplash

Switzerland has the most expensive Starbucks coffee in the world, with a single cup priced around $7.17 (Rs 590)!

10. Switzerland

Photo: Unsplash

Before shutting down all of its operations in 2022, a Starbucks tall latte cost $2.91 (Rs 239)