12 JULY, 2023
Ayaan Paul Chowdhury
Photo: Getty Images
South Africa's largest city was greeted with a pleasant surprise as citizens got to experience the rare marvels of snowfall for the first time in many years.
Snowfall in Johannesburg is a rare and infrequent event, happening approximately once every 10 years.
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The last snowfall in Johannesburg occurred in August 2012, with another one reported in 2007.
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Residents of Johannesburg were delighted and surprised by the recent snowfall, with some children experiencing snow for the first time.
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People took to social media to express their excitement and described the snow as "pure magic," "hectic," and a "wonderful start to the week".
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The snowfall was caused by a combination of factors, including a surge in humidity, cold temperatures, and a cold wind.
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Johannesburg typically experiences dry conditions during the winter months, which limits the amount of snowfall due to a lack of moisture in the air.
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Children in Johannesburg took advantage of the snow, making snowballs and snow angels in school grounds and kindergartens.
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The South African Weather Service issued warnings due to the cold front affecting Gauteng province, which includes Johannesburg and Pretoria.
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The snowfall also affected high-lying areas of the Eastern Cape and KwaZulu-Natal provinces, with reports of snow in the coal belt of Mpumalanga province.
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Icy temperatures posed risks for street dwellers, highlighting the challenge faced by impoverished communities.