14 JUNE, 2023
Dristi Sharma
Photo: Unsplash
Underwater cities each hold their own allure, captivating the imagination with their hidden mysteries for us humans.
Photo: Twitter/@Anc_Aesthetics
This craze for underwater cities began with Atlantis, a fictional island discussed in Plato's works. However, it is said to have sunk beneath the sea, and its exact location still remains a mystery.
Photo: Twitter/@Return2Med
Baia was submerged underwater due to volcanic activity. The well-preserved remains, including statues, houses, and temples, can be explored with a snorkel as most of the city is less than 20 feet deep.
Photo: Twitter/@analiese_1
Port Royal was a pirate haven in the Caribbean that sank after a powerful earthquake in 1692. It is now an archaeological site and a popular diving destination.
Photo: Twitter/@archeohistories
Pavlopetri is an ancient submerged city off the coast of Laconia, Greece. It dates back to the Bronze Age and is considered one of the oldest submerged cities in the world.
Photo: Twitter/@sbootsie1
Also known as Thonis, Heracleion is an ancient Egyptian city that was rediscovered underwater near the mouth of the Nile River. It provides valuable insights into the civilisation of ancient Egypt.
Photo: nio.org
Dwarka is a legendary city mentioned even in Hindu mythology, and is submerged off the coast of Gujarat, India.
Photo: Twitter/@abandonedspaces
Shicheng, also known as the Lion City, is located underwater in Qiandao Lake in Zhejiang Province, China. It was flooded during the construction of a hydroelectric power station.
Video: Twitter/@lepanigeria
Yonaguni is located off the coast of Yonaguni Island in Japan. It has often raised debates about whether it is a natural formation or an ancient manmade structure.
Photo: Twitter/
Canopus was an ancient Egyptian city located in the Abu Qir Bay near Alexandria. It sank due to geological changes and is now underwater.