10 Stunning River Confluences From Around  The World

19 JUNE, 2023

Ayaan Paul Chowdhury

Photo: Getty Images

Across the globe, rivers converge in mesmerising harmony at beautiful confluences - the point where two rivers meet.

river confluences

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Each of these stunning river confluences showcases the diversity and beauty of our planet's natural landscapes.

nature's finest

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Here are some of the world's most stunning river confluences, where the meeting of waters becomes a breathtaking spectacle:

the world's best meet-ups

Nestled in Geneva, Switzerland, the contrasting blue waters of the Rhône and the muddy Arve merge in a striking spectacle, forming a captivating swirl of colors.

Rhône and Arve

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In Manaus, Brazil, the dark Rio Negro and the sandy Solimões come together, running side by side for several miles, creating an awe-inspiring phenomenon known as the "Meeting of the Waters."

Rio Negro and Solimões

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Located in Dinosaur National Monument, Utah, US, the verdant Green river meets the untamed Yampa river, offering a dramatic display of contrasting currents within the stunning red rock canyons.

Green and Yampa

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In the Serbian capital of Belgrade, the majestic Danube merges with the vibrant Sava, resulting in a magnificent panorama of flowing waters framed by the city's iconic architecture.

Danube and Sava

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Found near Santarém, Brazil, the  Amazon river converges with the clear-blue Tapajós, forming an extraordinary blend of colors that persists for miles.

Amazon and Tapajós

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Located in Koblenz, Germany, the Rhine intertwines with the peaceful Moselle, creating a mesmerizing meeting point amidst the picturesque vineyards and medieval castles.

Rhine and Moselle

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Tucked away in the remote region of Ladakh, India, the turquoise Zanskar river merges with the milky-gray Indus River, resulting in a breathtaking scene against the backdrop of the Himalayas.

Indus and Zanskar

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Flowing near Cairo, Illinois, the mighty Mississippi converges with the Ohio, producing a vast expanse of swirling waters that showcase the raw power of these iconic American rivers.

Mississippi and Ohio

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In Lyon, France, the tranquil Saône river joins forces with the swift Rhône, providing a magnificent view from Fourvière Hill and exemplifying the city's rich historical heritage.

Rhône and Saône

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Found in the Caprivi Strip, Botswana, the Zambezi river merges with the Chobe river, creating a haven for wildlife.

Zambezi and Chobe

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Situated in Devprayag, Uttarakhand, India, the sacred Alaknanda and Bhagirathi rivers merge to form the holiest of Indian rivers, the Ganges.

Alaknanda and Bhagirathi