10 Most Beautiful Hikes From Around The World

21 JUNE, 2023

Ayaan Paul Chowdhury

Photo: Getty Images

Planning an adventure abraod? Hikes can make for some unforgettable experiences with breathtaking landscapes, rugged trails and moments of tranquility.

going on an adventure

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Here is a collection of the world's most stunning hikes, where gorgeous landscapes await at every turn.

the prettiest in the world

Embark on a breathtaking journey through the Andes, passing ancient ruins and stunning mountain landscapes, leading to the awe-inspiring Machu Picchu.

Inca Trail, Peru

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Immerse yourself in the dramatic scenery of Patagonia as you traverse this iconic circuit, with towering granite peaks, glaciers, and pristine lakes.

Torres del Paine, Chile

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Wind your way through Fiordland National Park, surrounded by lush rainforests, cascading waterfalls, and the famous Milford Sound.

Milford Track, New Zealand

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Trek along the rugged Na Pali Coast, exploring lush valleys, towering cliffs, secluded beaches, and turquoise waters, offering a true island paradise experience.

Kalalau Trail, Hawaii, USA

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Discover the charming coastal villages of the Italian Riviera, hiking between colorful houses perched on cliffs, and relishing stunning vistas of the Mediterranean Sea.

Cinque Terre, Italy

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Venture into the breathtaking slot canyons of Zion National Park, wading through the Virgin River, surrounded by towering walls of red sandstone.

Zion Narrows, Utah, USA

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Journey across the ancient landscapes of Tasmania, immersing yourself in ancient rainforests, alpine moors, and breathtaking views of Cradle Mountain.

Overland Track, Australia

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Tackle one of Europe's most challenging long-distance hikes, traversing the rugged and mountainous terrain of Corsica, boasting breathtaking vistas at every turn.

GR20, Corsica, France

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Ascend through lush forests and prayer flag-adorned paths to reach the iconic cliffside monastery, offering panoramic views of the Paro Valley below.

Tiger's Nest, Bhutan

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Rush has overseen the development of various technologies, including sonar systems and wireless remote-control devices, throughout his career.

Appalachian Trail, USA