10 Countries Offering Golden Visa To Indians

14 JULY, 2023

Dristi Sharma


A golden visa is a type of residency-by-investment program that allows individuals to obtain permanent residency or citizenship in a foreign country by making a significant investment in that country's economy.


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By investing approximately USD 800,000 (equivalent to about Rs 6.5 crore), individuals can live, work, and study in the United States.

1. USA

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You can get a golden visa for Canada if you propose an innovative start-up business to the designated organisation and make an investment. 

2. canada

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A golden visa in Austria means EU citizenship and it is quite difficult to acquire one. Even though there is no specified minimum investment, you must make a 'substantial contribution to the economy'.

3. Austria

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To get a golden visa, you have to Invest at least $400,000 (about Rs 3.2 crore). What you get: Free movement to Türkiye, Hong Kong, Japan, and Singapore.

4. Türkiye

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With an investment of EUR 250,000 (about Rs 2.2 crore), you can get a golden visa for free movement across Greece and Europe’s Schengen area.

5. Greece

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You have to invest at least Rs 2.2 crore to get a golden visa. What you get: The right to live, work, and study without restriction in Italy.


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After investing a sum of Rs 4.4 crore, you could get a golden visa from Spain. You can live, work, and study in Spain, and move freely to the EU and Europe’s Schengen area.

7. spain

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The golden visa program in this country is slightly different. Here, you need to provide proof that you pay annual taxes to the country between CHF 1,50,000 and CHF 1 million (Rs 1.5-9 crore).


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You need to invest at least AED 2 million (about Rs 4.45 crores) to live in any of the seven Emirates of the UAE. 

9. Uae

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The Golden Visa program in Ireland offers a residence permit that is renewable if one manages to invest €1 million (Rs 9 crore) in either an investment fund, real estate or enterprise fund.