This is our second summer under the shadow of Covid. It is not the best place to be in, you would agree, but do we really have a choice? Summer is just round the corner and the 'Rona shows no signs of leaving us yet. Immunity is a keyword in all discussions on debates and the dining table, so it's never a bad idea to boost it up a bit. Turmeric Lassi - or Haldi Lassi - is just the answer.
What you'll need:
Curd - 1 cup
Water - 1/2 cup
Powdered Haldi - 1/2 teaspoon
Honey - 2 teaspoons (or as per taste)
Cardamom powder - a pinch
Roasted Pistachios - a fistful
How to:
In a bowl and using a whisk, mix the curd, cardamom powder, water, honey, turmeric, half the chopped pistachios. Save some pistachios for garnishing.
Mix it till the mixture is creamy and smooth.
You can also add all the ingredients to a blender and blend till smooth if you're in a hurry.
Pour the Turmeric Lassi into a tall glass and garnish with the remaining pistachios and a dash of turmeric powder (if you want).
Serve the Turmeric Lassi cold.