It is Ram Navami today and so we decided to give you a recipe for onion-less kala chana. You can add halwa and poori to it and go for the wholesome Navratri farewell meal or just opt for the humble chana to keep your calories in control.
What you need
Half a cup of black chana (in case you have a problem identifying it like many others, black chana is dark brown in colour and smaller in size than chickpeas)
One teaspoon cumin seeds
Half a teaspoon turmeric powder
One pinch asafoetida (hing)
Salt to taste
Coriander leaves
One tablespoon vegetable oil
How to
Wash and soak the chana in water overnight.
Heat the oil in a pressure cooker, add cumin seeds and asafoetida and fry till the cumin seeds turn brown.
Now add soaked chana, salt, turmeric powder, and mix.
Add half a cup of water.
Close the lid of the cooker and cook on medium flame.
When the cooker starts steaming, turn down the flame and let it cook for four to five minutes, and turn the heat off.
Once the steam of the pressure cooker goes down, open the cooker. Turn the stove on to medium and with a serving spoon, mix the chana. If there is water, let it evaporate or else turn the gas off.
Now add the chopped coriander leaves.
If you like your food a little tangy, you can sprinkle mango powder on the chana.
Transfer to a serving bowl.