
New Year surprise from Pakistan: Five terrorists attack Pathankot air base, put India on high alert

DailyBiteJan 02, 2016 | 15:13

New Year surprise from Pakistan: Five terrorists attack Pathankot air base, put India on high alert

Less than ten days after Prime Minister Modi made a surprise visit to Pakistan on Christmas Day as a goodwill gesture on his Pakistani counterpart Nawaz Sharif's birthday, militants from across the border attacked an air force base in Pathankot early January 2. In the ensuing gun battle, Indian forces killed four militants in an intensive combing operation that included aerial firing. Pakistan-based terror outfit Jaish-e-Mohammad is suspected to be behind the bid, reports say.


Watch how the attack unfolded:


Despite frequent diplomatic gestures by the BJP government, Pakistan has failed to act against terror outfits operating against India, perpetuating the cycle of extremism. The Modi government is following former PM Atal Bihari Vajpayee's model of diplomacy since it came to power in May 2014. Two years on, is it time to talk tough and use force against Islamabad?

Last updated: January 02, 2016 | 17:18
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