After what feels like ages, someone in Kanye West's life has taken his phone away and issued an apology on his Instagram. And luckily for us this time, the post has not been deleted (so far. I mean, at the time of writing this.).
View this post on Instagram
The "apology" was made by him on February 15 and was directed towards Kim Kardashian. He wrote, "I’ve learned that using all caps makes people feel like I’m screaming at them. I’m working on my communication. I can benefit from a team of creative professionals, organizers, mobilizers and community leaders. Thank everybody for supporting me. I know sharing screen shots was jarring and came off as harassing Kim. I take accountability. I’m still learning in real time. I don’t have all the answers. To be good leader is to be a good listener (sic)."
But the world isn't ready to accept his apology and hopefully, Kim isn't either. His main focus in the so-called apology is his usage of capital letters... you know, ALL-CAPS... when that wasn't even one of the core problems. (Although it was getting tiresome to read through the captions.)
His realisation that sharing private conversations on a social-media platform is wrong is just the tip of the iceberg. At no point did he apologise for actually harrassing Kim or speaking ill about her and their kids in his songs. (READ MORE HERE: Kanye is Kim Kardashian's Number 1 fan. The world is scared for her)
His apology states that sharing screenshots 'came off as harassing Kim' when in reality, he was actually harrasing Kim, whether he shared the screenshots or not.
Moreover, this lower-case apology nowhere refers to the attacks he made on Pete Davidson, repeatedly, to the extent of calling him 'Skete' on more than one occasion.
The apology also isn't directed towards Machine Gun Kelly, Kid Cudi, Ariana Grande, Hillary Clinton, Mac Miller, Taylor Swift and Billie Eilish... you know, all the people he attacked this week? (READ MORE HERE: The story of Ye crazy ex, also known as Kanye West)
His apology seems more like a preface to what's coming in Donda 2, releasing on February 22. After having a front-row seat to the Kim-Kanye-Pete drama, the biggest question on everyone's mind is, what caused Kanye to have this epiphany?
People across the internet are now thanking Kanye's PR team for taking away his phone. They are also crediting KSI for Kanye's epiphany and calling out the double standards between the response Kanye's actions have received and the response Britney Spears received from the public, for simply shaving her head in 2007.
Here is a brief look at how the Internet is responding to Kanye's apology:
kanye gave his PR team the instagram password
— bobby wasabi (@bobbyteriyaki) February 15, 2022
whoever helped Kanye with this, thank you
— Craig (@DebatingHipHop_) February 15, 2022
Kanye really listened to KSI lol
— KSI NEWS (@ksinews_) February 15, 2022
Hours after KSI commented on Kanye's poor behavior, Kanye West issued an apology for his poor behavior... ??
— Bearus (@realbearus) February 15, 2022
Yep. Then he wants to post an apology ? we know how abusive men work Kanye, you are not getting out of this one easily.
— . (@overgaybitch) February 15, 2022
i can’t believe people are just going to believe and accept this pathetic kanye apology.he’s still a manipulative abusive piece of shit, who didn’t even acknowledge everyone else that’s he’s harassed, with his half assed apology.why when it comes to him he gets a free pass?
— RueCosta (@CostaRue) February 15, 2022
That Kanye "apology" is cap. Narcissistic behavior at its best. ?
— Simon's Enemy (@Neo_lithia) February 15, 2022
Does anyone else find it interesting that Kanye’s mental breaks so often coincide with him promoting an album?
— Touré (@Toure) February 16, 2022
What's especially disappointing about all this is thinking back on how Britney was forced into a nearly-fourteen year conservatorship and stripped her of her reproductive rights for... shaving her head? The double standard is on display, Kanye is inspiring a new gen of abusers.
— ?☄Paul Camacho?? (@realPaulCamacho) February 16, 2022
There was a collective backlash against Kim when she publicly left Kanye. Not that we’ve seen what kind of Loony Tunes that man actually is, I feel like we all owe her a collective apology.
— Tequila Mockingbird (@bust_jimmy) February 16, 2022
Maybe on Pete's next SNL episode, will we discover what caused Kanye to have this change of heart.
Till then, here's hoping he doesn't delete this Insta post too (screenshots, anyone?).