Former India cricketer Vinod Kambli appologised on Wednesday for the barrage of offensive tweets that were sent from his Twitter handle late Tuesday night. There were a series of tweets lashing out against former India cricketer and commentator Navjot Singh Sidhu. One of the tweet also targetted Ramees Raja, who was at that time airing his views on TV.
Read the full story here.
Morning friends.the tweets were not from me I apologize on behalf of my friend who had my phone and was tweeting.I fired him.sorry to all
— vinodkambli (@vinodkambli349) April 15, 2015
Fury once the trolls started to bite
The former cricketer lost his cool when he started getting trolled on Twitter and what followed were a series of angry Tweets.
Now listen friends.u want me take u on I am ready.I was never scared while I was playing hard cricket whether it's Pakistan or Australia
— vinodkambli (@vinodkambli349) April 15, 2015
Now enough is enough.I oppolo sized still u people after my blood.tweets now what my friend said I am going to that.c'mon
— vinodkambli (@vinodkambli349) April 15, 2015
Toh aah jayo maidan mein tumhari
— vinodkambli (@vinodkambli349) April 15, 2015