Meet Robert Vadra. Newbie-neta Priyanka Gandhi's other half.
The duo got married in 1997 — in a very private affair — somewhat unlikely for the celebrated daughter of the Grand Old Party. Robert Vadra didn’t have any political background himself. And as insiders hint, some in the party were apparently none too delighted with Priyanka's choice.
But, be such gossip as it may, love overcame all — and the knot was tied.
Then came the bigger land scam allegations and Robert was to be seen much more on the sidelines of the Congress' social life, rather than anywhere near its centre.
But interestingly, Robert Vadra has managed to emerge as an interesting character nonetheless.
You may not take him too seriously — what he says should not read as what the party is thinking, not at all, as we have often been told by senior Congress voices. But then, amidst various rants from Robert also pop up his 'morning walk photos'.
And those are just one reason why Robert deserves an in-depth look!
Facebook is his oyster
He probably belongs to the generation which truly believes in the power of 'good morning messages'. We are quite sure he sends good morning wishes to all the WhatsApp groups he is part of because he does that on a regular basis on Facebook — a wish, along with his photo.
He also keeps such wishes ready in hand — to wish Sonia Gandhi on her birthday, to congratulate Rahul Gandhi on electoral victories, to wish Priyanka Gandhi for formally joining politics, etc. Apart from these, there are his FB wishes on Children’s Day, Diwali, Durga Puja, Independence Day, etc.
Then, there are his usual rants, where he slams the Modi government, Parliament, all and sundry. He does not shy away from commenting on regular issues either, be it a gunman spotted at a Delhi mall, or Delhi’s odd-even traffic policy.
Part-time fitness trainer
He is into everything related to fitness — he walks, jumps, hikes, cycles and also tells the world how to do all of these. Those who have seen him cycling about on Delhi roads may have also seen the security that accompanies him.
And when there is too much pollution outside, he exercises at his gym and makes videos. Those are some excruciating exercises!
There are some other ‘exercises’ too, like reaching out to people. Yes, he often does that, according to his Facebook feeds.
Fruit diet: Banana Republic, Mango People
This was in 2012. The Congress was in power. Members of India Against Corruption (IAC) had been vocal about Vadra and the Congress’s alleged land deal. A few days after, Vadra posted on Facebook: Mango people in banana republic.
It was difficult to decode this cryptic message as it was not clear whether he was being condescending about those protesters, or blaming the Delhi government — or the Central government. Or whether he was just criticising mangoes and bananas.
Then, he became the ‘mango’ people
One fine morning, he then wanted become ‘mango people’ if that translates to 'aam aadmi'. His name was there on the VVIP lists at airports. There were voices being raised against it.
He expressed his wish to remain no longer on the lists via (what else) an FB post:
"I do not need this privilege and have never used it. It takes less than a minute to get frisked and there is nothing to hide, that cameras need be avoided! Maybe I need to personally go to every airport and delete my name, will that work? Or is it a part of a larger conspiracy to malign my image... I am humble and as normal as any citizen, so please treat me like one, otherwise write every Indian citizens name on the VVIP, list and please stop wasting people's time."
But, it could be presumed, that when he travels with Priyanka, he doesn't face much checking anyway.
Cars, cars — and more cars!
BMW, Porche Panamera, Jaguar — we are not even counting. But we, like many others in Delhi, know that he has a penchant for everything stylish and luxurious — be is sunglasses, suits or cars. And he is a regular at Delhi Auto Expos.
There are many urban legends in nightclubs et al. But the one which became more than a legend was a news report that a Delhi man was issued a challan for dangerously overtaking Vadra's car in Amar Colony.
A colourful person, indeed.