"Ask not what your country can do for you – ask what you can do for your country." ~ John F Kennedy
When the need arises, Indians have once again shown they can do anything for their country or even Indian-made foreign liquor (IMFL). The long queues, physically-distanced and well-behaved, at alcohol outlets across the country is 120 per cent proof of one community rising to extract the economy from the pits of depression. The community of country or IMFL.
This community, largely neglected and financially exploited by the establishment, has stood up for hours to be counted. The ungrateful nation will not recognise this sacrifice but they don't do it for recognition, they do it for their country of IMFL.
Delhi imposed a 70 per cent corona fee on not just Corona beer but all alcohol, and this did not deter Delhiites from coming out in large numbers and brave police batons. A little blood for the country. Andhra took a cue and went one level up but the queues were still there. In Nainital, it rained ice stones and they took it on their chin. This is the dedication that addiction can bring. Addiction to the country or IMFL.
Agnipath.. Agnipath.. Agnipath. Outside a liquor shop. Today. Via Whatsapp. pic.twitter.com/sul4F5uIBt
— Parveen Kaswan, IFS (@ParveenKaswan) May 5, 2020
States across the country are planning to squeeze as much as possible from these people who have to put the drinks before the eats. Some will have to queue up twice a day. Once to get the drinks, the second time to get free ration. After all, there is enough money for just one. For country or IMFL.
The government treats alcohol like fuel. Any time it needs money, it can raise taxes on petrol/diesel. Delhi just did it. Crude oil prices are at a historic low but governments are cruder than oil can ever be. To build roads, the government takes road tax; to maintain them, a toll tax; and to educate our kids, a cess. To fight Covid-19, PM asked everyone to donate to PM Cares but then the tipple lovers care more, for country or IMFL.
Have you ever heard about a rally against alcohol price rise? Has the quality of alcohol being sold ever made the news? It's only when scores lose sight or die due to spurious concoctions sold in the name of booze that they make the front page. The word hooch is always followed by the word tragedy. That's the tragedy, of country or IMFL.
They just gulp the neglect down. They never raise their voice against the injustice of indiscriminate taxing because they are sloshed. The lockdown has been partially lifted. Non-essentials are still shut. Alcohol was among the non-essentials yet booze bunks are open. The tipplers can survive without their nectar; the government coffers can’t. That’s the power of country or IMFL.
So ask not what country (or IMFL) can do for you, ask what can you do for your country (or IMFL), Kennedy Saheb!