When he was pitted against senior actor Hiten Tejwani, he beat the odds. But this time, Priyank Sharma had to finally leave the Bigg Boss house, as Luv Tyagi received more votes than him. While this was expected on this Weekend ka Vaar episode (December 30), the live singing contest between Shilpa Shinde and Hina Khan threw up surprises.
Here are the major takeaways:
Team Vikas a one-man army now
The jinx of Vikas has now been proved. Whoever gets close to Vikas is eventually shown the door, as the back-to-back evictions of Hiten, Arshi and Priyank show. Now, he has no friend in the Bigg Boss house, apart from Puneesh Sharma, who is in team Shilpa. With Priyank’s eviction, team Vikas has become a one-man army.
Was Priyank’s budget a problem for the show-makers?
Bigg Boss is not just a short cut to fame. Staying inside the house strengthens the bank balance of the celebrity contestants, which included Priyank, every week. According to various reports, Priyank, who is a dancer and a reality show star from Roadies, would get Rs 4 lakh to Rs 5 lakh for every week. On the other hand, Luv Tyagi was brought inside the house as a commoner, on a far smaller budget. This is a reason being cited for Priyank's exit by his fans, who are not ready to believe that votes led to his defeat.
Did Hina sing better?
Shilpa Shinde obviously has a loyal band of followers. These fans draw up plans to make her trend on Twitter, and such are their numbers that sometimes, this planning starts trending. And now, it seems there is nothing they can't make Shipla win at.
On Saturday, Bigg Boss arranged a a singing contest between Shilpa Shinde and Hina Khan. Hina of Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai fame is also a singer, and has sung inside the house on previous occasions. This time too, she sang well – better than Shilpa – only to be surpassed by Shilpa with a huge margin of votes.
The game was also a test of concentration, as the other housemates were throwing smiley balls at the singers throughout. There too, Hina was better, but the results said otherwise. This led to a war on social media. While Hina Khan fans started slamming the show for always showing "fixed winner" Shilpa in a positive light, Shilpa fans said the contest was not primarily of music. Feisty Shilpa was more entertaining in her mistakes than Hina in her perfection, they claimed.
One last question to shilpa fans?Just place ur hand on ur heart and tell me did shilpa sang better than hina? Like really? Kaha parallel universe mei hei aap????Hina should've won this time! They're making it soo obvious! #VictoryForVikas #FixedWinnerShilpa
— 〰 (@happy_soul3) December 30, 2017
I don't know why people getting mad, Hina Khan sang well than Shilpa Sinde...Hina Khan is far better than Silpa Sinde in singing.
— shaleen raghu (@shaleen2069) December 31, 2017
Not a #Hina fan bt definitely she sang betterBut idk y dey r upset its very clear from first week dats its #FixedWinnerShilpaMakers n @BeingSalmanKhan hs been too biased this season #BB11
— Nikita #VikasFTW???? (@Nikitap21005653) December 30, 2017
We can clearly see— Hina sang far far far better than Shilpa yet Shilpa won!At least you should have voted for DESERVING ones #ShilpaShinde fans! #VikasGupta #VikasGuptaFTW #VictoryForVikas #Vikas #HinaKhan #Hina
— Mariya BB ???????????? (@Lostgirl_BB) December 30, 2017
Today I got to know that those 77% voters are fan of Dhinchak Pooja. Shilpa was singing almost like Dhinchak Pooja. Hina Khan was far far better than Shilpa in Singing. Still, Shilpa Won. It was like Dhinchak Pooja defeated a well trained singer. LolDhinchak Shilpa #BB11
— Vikas United Fans (@VikasGuptaBB) December 30, 2017
Singing by a NON Singer in Front of Audience is toughest Challenge one can face Specially for Non SingersThroat goes Dry and gets chokedShilpa Shinde Clearly wins hands down cuz of her Innocent CharmAnd Honesty that She can't sing like Hinaa & Yet PerformedTill End#BB11
— HerdHUSH & ShilpaShinde (@HerdHUSH) December 30, 2017
SHILPA SHINDE fans have proved that they don't merely tweet but also dominate when it comes to VOTING too ! ????#ChampianFans@bb11_newzz Thx for all your inbox updates! #BB11
— Vindu Dara Singh (@RealVinduSingh) December 30, 2017