
OpenAI CEO Sam Altman does not trust ChatGPT blindly, and you shouldn't either

DailyBiteJun 09, 2023 | 13:13

OpenAI CEO Sam Altman does not trust ChatGPT blindly, and you shouldn't either

ChatGPT's training data goes up until September 2021, so it may not be aware of the most recent events, discoveries, or developments. (Photo: Getty Images)

From writing codes, stories and poems to drafting legal documents, writing emails and making resumes, people have been using ChatGPT for almost everything. Since being launched on November 30, 2022, OpenAI's ChatGPT has been creating a storm in the tech world and millions of people now use the chatbot daily.

It has also led to other major companies coming up with their chatbots and generative AI tools. The biggest example is Google's Bard. The sudden rise of these AI tools and chatbots gives the impression that we might be in the middle of an artificial intelligence revolution.


But, even though you expect ChatGPT to answer all your answers and solve all your problems, the CEO of OpenAI, Sam Altman, does not trust ChatGPT's answers. Yes, you heard it right. "I trust answers generated by ChatGPT least than anybody else on Earth," Altman, who is in India, said this while relying to a question from a Business Today journalist.

The 38-year-old tech entrepreneur, while talking to journalists, said that he always uses ChatGPT with web browsing so that he gets links to the answers he getting from the chatbot. And you too shouldn't believe ChatGPT blindly. Here's why:

Lack of real-time data: ChatGPT's training data goes up until September 2021, so it may not be aware of the most recent events, discoveries, or developments. Information and data keeps changing, and relying solely on outdated data may lead to inaccuracies.

Potential for misinformation: ChatGPT generates responses based on patterns and information from its training data. It does not possess inherent knowledge or the ability to fact-check. So, it may provide incorrect or misleading information, especially on complex or controversial topics.

Absence of critical thinking and bias: While ChatGPT is designed to provide coherent responses, it lacks critical thinking abilities. It does not possess personal experiences, opinions, or values to form judgments. And it may reflect biases present in its training data.



Inability to verify sources: ChatGPT cannot cite sources or verify the accuracy of the information it provides. When dealing with important or sensitive topics, it's crucial to consult reliable and verified sources independently to ensure the accuracy of the information.

Limited contextual understanding: ChatGPT analyzes text inputs based on patterns it has learned during training. However, it may struggle with complex or nuanced questions that require deep contextual understanding or domain-specific knowledge.

Lack of common sense: AI chatbots often lack common sense reasoning abilities that humans possess naturally. They rely solely on patterns and correlations learned from training data, which may lead to nonsensical or incorrect responses when faced with unfamiliar situations.

How to use ChatGPT and other AI chatbots better?

While ChatGPT and other AI chatbots can be a great help for generating information and ideas, it is important to exercise critical thinking, common sense and cross-referencing information with reliable sources. You should also be aware of the chatbot's limitations. Here's how to make the most out of AI chatbots like ChatGPT:

Ask specific and well-defined questions: AI chatbots perform better when questions are clear, concise, and specific. Instead of asking open-ended or ambiguous questions, break down complex queries into smaller, more manageable parts. This helps AI chatbots provide more accurate and relevant responses.



Verify information independently: While AI chatbots can provide information, it's important to independently verify it from reliable and authoritative sources. Cross-referencing the information obtained from AI chatbots with trusted references ensures accuracy and helps prevent misinformation.

Provide context when necessary: AI chatbots may struggle with nuanced or context-dependent questions. When seeking information or asking questions, provide relevant background or context to help the AI chatbot better understand and provide more accurate responses.

Ask for sources or additional reading material: If AI chatbots provide information without citing sources, ask them for references or recommended reading material. This can help you delve deeper into a topic and obtain a broader understanding.

Set clear expectations: Understand the capabilities and limitations of AI chatbots. Recognize that they are not perfect and may provide incorrect or incomplete information. Use them as a starting point for exploration rather than the final authority.

Altman meets PM Modi

Altman also met Prime Minister Narendra Modi and discussed India's tech ecosystem and how the country can benefit from AI. PM Modi said the potential of AI in enhancing India's tech ecosystem is vast and that too among the youth in particular.

Last updated: June 09, 2023 | 13:13
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