
How to share your Netflix password?

Ishita Srivastava
Ishita SrivastavaJun 02, 2022 | 18:50

How to share your Netflix password?

In March 2022, streaming giant Netflix had warned that it would start a global crackdown on account password sharing. At the time, the company said more than 100 million households were likely sharing passwords worldwide and it wants them to start paying.

And it seems like the crackdown has begun.

A test was conducted by the company in Peru, Chile and Cost Rica to curb password sharing, but the test results were unfavourable for the company.


Paul Erickson, a streaming market analyst from the firm Parks Associates, told Rest of World why Netflix conducted the test in Peru, Chile and Costa Rica. He said that “executives rolled out the policy in countries outside their huge markets, so they don’t potentially suffer lose a large amount of subscriber goodwill.”

Netflix. Photo: Getty Images

As per reports from Rest of World, users in Peru would much rather delete their accounts than pay for infringing the policy of not sharing your password with individuals. Information about the test and change in policy was not given to users in any of the countries.

While Netflix’s terms of use states that subscribers are not allowed to share accounts outside of their household, the streaming service has never enforced this policy.

But how does Netflix password sharing work? Here are some simple steps:

  1. Login in to Netflix and click on your account profile  at the top-right corner
  2. Select the 'Manage Profiles' and then further select “Add Profile”
  3. Add in the required information about the person who you intend to share your password with
  4. Click on Continue.

And you’re done!

It is not yet confirmed whether Netflix will introduce a no-password sharing policy in India.

Last updated: June 07, 2022 | 13:01
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