
5 ways in which Metaverse will change e-learning

Amrutha Pagad
Amrutha PagadJun 14, 2022 | 16:36

5 ways in which Metaverse will change e-learning

Learning history in school was boring for some students. But what if the students could be given a first-hand experience of what 14th-century India was like? What if they could take a stroll through the Delhi Sultanate and its markets, just like it was hundreds of years ago?

How will it be possible? The answer is Metaverse.

Metaverse is set to change our lives as we know it in the near future. It has already seeped into our lives. From shopping in the Metaverse to attending work meetings in virtual reality, investors and technophiles are betting big on the next big internet thing.


And it’s not just the adult life that it will impact. Just like how the internet became a huge part of children’s lives, the Metaverse will also become a significant part of their lives in the future. Soon, e-learning will not just be limited to zoom classes, but may also be conducted in the Metaverse.

Representative Image.
  1. Avatars of teachers and students will sit in a Metaverse classroom, experiencing lessons rather than just passively reading about them.
  2. Like the above example of a history class, students will also be able to have an immersive experience while learning maths, science, business etc.
  3. Metaverse is expected to make a lot of things more accessible to students. Students will be able to study maths in 3D format, making it easier and hands-on for them to understand; for example, counting the sides of a cube.
  4. Access to science labs is usually limited to those studying in premium institutions in India. Metaverse will ensure that students even conduct experiments in a virtual reality science labs.
  5. For business students, imagine running a business in virtual reality.

The Metaverse is expected to become the next big thing for the Indian startup industry, with some estimating it to be worth $30 billion in the next 10 years. In India, virtual reality is being explored in some schools. The video below is an example of that. India even has a Polyversity, touted the largest Educational Metaverse in the country, which was launched recently by IDS in the presence of Union Education Minister Dharmendra Pradhan.  

So, are you ready to attend your first class in the Metaverse?  

Last updated: June 14, 2022 | 16:36
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