Who is scarier? Donald Trump or Narendra Modi? Is this even a worthwhile comparison?
By now, there have been umpteen comparisons tabulating the similarities between the two man, seeming "outsiders" to the "establishement", who were handed over the democratic mandate in a popular vote. Both have aroused passions of the xenophobic variety, benefitted on what Jairus Banaji calls "electoral fascism" and come to power riding intersecting majoritraian sentiments. Both have said much for petty electoral gains, and gained they have, immensely.
Whether it's Modi talking about "pink revolution" in the run up to the 2014 Lok Sabha elections, or Trump saying "all Mexicans are rapists", and then rectifying those earlier takes once voted in to power, the parallels are hard to miss. They assume greater importance when we realise that India and the USA are the world's first and second largest democracies, and are often held out as examples of the magnificent system of self-governance.
Yet, has democracy reached a deadend by electing Trump and Modi? Or, is this disrespecting democracy - the very institution that's one of the pillars of a modern civilised society? How can then democracy concede itself to ideals far lesser than what it was imagined with, built upon?
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As Donald Trump took to the stage to give his victory speech on November 9, his website erased the earlier Islamophobic comments and urged everyone to join the Trump movement. Just like Modi, who professes to be every Indian's prime minister, while his party minions unleash the horrors of unimaginable variety on ordinary, particularly poor Muslims, Trump's camapign and presidential course correction seem poised to rain the acid of irony on all of us.
But what does the silent majority think about it? Do they think it's a fair comparison?
We opened out the debate to our readers. What they have to say would take you by surprise. Read on.
DailyO Readers weigh in.
Khan Rehan: Question) Give 4 similarities between Modi and Trump?
Answer: 1) Both are racists. 2) Both are misogynists. 3) Both deny constitutional democracy. 4) Both are anti-Muslim.
Viswanathan Rukmani: It’s the media trial that pushed the voters towards them. There have been a lot of uniformities between these two leaders’ elections. Still the US media writes negatively about Trump's victory. But, I predict a lot of doomsday for the people of the US. As far as our country, Mr. Modi is going to be at the helm of the country at least one more term.
Ashutosh Kr: Comparing PM Modi to trump is outright absurd. Trump’s misogyny against Modi's unambiguous support and endorsement of women’s welfare related causes (to many to start with) could be a possible instance.