
When media rushes to the mouthpiece for a bite

Ravina Raj Kohli
Ravina Raj KohliSep 15, 2015 | 09:02

When media rushes to the mouthpiece for a bite

Ever wondered why the chief minister of a state miraculously appears on National TV only after a disaster?

A scrum of news crews around him, he starts rambling. Of course it’s the same old script. Dukh. Pain. Compensation. Even the reporters have run out of new questions to ask. Thank god they have refrained from the ususal “Aapko kaisa lag raha hai?”.


Cut to the chase, please. All the public wants to know from you is what you are going to do about such situations. And what you can do to help the next of kin.  We know you feel. No gain, no pain.

Most people who are in public life have actually no clue how to communicate through the media with the masses. Notice the difference, for example, in how the US authorities address the public in matters of concern. The press conference or briefing is properly orgainsed. It is properly shot, and most important, it is properly miked. You can hear everyone and every word.

Do consider how badly we do it there.

Mumble. Ramble. Yell. And again…

If I was running a news channel today, I would ban the coverage of such "press conferences". In the sad event of a tragedy or disaster that will tempt the CM to come out of his airconditioned office and face the common man anyway, I’d rather ignore him completely. A better decision would be to use the local crew to cover unique stories about the happening that will add information and give value for my audiences’ attention. I wouldn’t want to waste their time airing the pointless. I can always inform the local public of their ‘leader’s sorrow and pain’ through a feed from a newswire like ANI.


We have had some astoundingly poor communicators for leaders in the past. Yes they are getting better. Today, one of the best is leading the country. Most mumblers have lost their seats. I am not surprised.

A good speaker encourages confidence in the crowd. Whether he or she means every word or not is a post-vote-facto discovery.

I would gently offer the same advice to citizens who come together to fight for a cause.

Media coverage and public support to gain momentum with the authorities are critically important. Choose your spokesperons with care.  It may not be the most important person in the demonstration or rally or candlelight march. Ensure these persons are not screaming into a microphone over background noise. Be in a quieter spot. Be heard. The team in the newsroom will intercut the "interview" with shots of the event anyway.

If someone needs to strain their ears to support you, chances are they won’t bother to listen. And yours will become a lost cause.

Years ago, I had requested the Prasar Bharti bosses to improve the look and sound of Lok Sabha TV. It was our face to the world news. It looked shabby, grainy, and you couldn’t hear a thing.  I remember the outdated cameras and cobwebs on the lights. Its not great now, but its better. At least we sort of look like a developing country who produces the best technology whizzes in the world. And you can hear the ruckus in Parliament. Am not sure what that does to our world perception, but that’s fodder for another story.


What you look and sound like is what you stand for.

As a public face, your words and appearance on air shows how much you respect or disrespect your audience. And no one likes to be taken for granted.  Being careless on air has the same effect as coming to a wedding in your nightsuit. You can imagine how ‘disrespected’ the family would feel.

Which makes me come back to Mr Minister. With many mikes in your face. Your mug on every channel. Your moment in the sun today. Your sycophants must have recorded the piece so you can playback and admire yourself later.

That’s okay. You are human too. But you are also a leader. Wewould very much like to know what steps you are taking to punish those responsible. And when you can allow the same reporters in to announce how justice has been delivered. Or most probably, not.

Our crews will be there. I suspect you will be unavailable at the time.

Last updated: September 15, 2015 | 09:02
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