
Pakistan bans Holi celebrations in universities, calling it erosion of its Islamic identity

DailyBiteJun 22, 2023 | 10:07

Pakistan bans Holi celebrations in universities, calling it erosion of its Islamic identity

Pakistan has banned Holi celebrations in universities. Photo: Representative

Earlier this month, a video of Holi celebrations at a Pakistani university went viral on social media. The video showed hundreds of students smearing each other with colour. But the celebrations do not seem to have gone down too well with the Pakistan Higher Education Commission (HEC), which has issued a notice "advising" universities to refrain from such celebrations. 

  • The Holi celebrations were held on June 12 on the campus of Quaid-i-Azam University in Islamabad. 

What did the notice say?

  • Some reports are stating that Pakistan's Higher Education Commission (HEC) has banned Holi celebrations in universities in Pakistan based on the notice issued to them. 

  • The notice which took cognizance of this particular Holi celebration at Quaid-i-Azam University stated that such activities are not in line with the country's sociocultural values and "Islamic identity". 
Such activities portray a complete disconnect from the country's sociocultural values and are an erosion of the country's Islamic identity.
- Pakistan HEC
  • The HEC is also concerned that the publicity that the celebrations got will negatively affect the "country's image". 
This widely reported/publicized event from the platform of a university has caused concern and has disadvantageously affected the country's image.
  • Ironically, the notice also claimed that the HEC supports cultural, ethnic, and religious diversity to build a more inclusive and tolerant society, but that it needs to be done in a measured manner.  
While there is no denying the fact that cultural, ethnic, and religious diversity leads towards an inclusive and tolerant society that profoundly respects all faiths and creeds; albeit it needs to be done so in a measured manner without going overboard.
  • The notice warned students of the involvement of "vested interests" in such celebrations. 
  • The Holi celebration at Quaid-i-Azam University was organised by the Mehran Students' Council for its Hindu minority students, mostly from the Sindh region. 

  • The University has been celebrating minority religious festivals for a while including Christmas and they did expect some criticism. 
  • However, the Mehran Students' Council general secretary Bisharat Ali said that he didn't expect the HEC to issue a notice and called it a reflection of the "growing lack of tolerance".
Last updated: June 22, 2023 | 10:07
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