
NASA's $100k UFO probe finds no answers, wants 'alien corpse' samples from Mexico

Debodinna Chakraborty
Debodinna ChakrabortySep 15, 2023 | 16:04

NASA's $100k UFO probe finds no answers, wants 'alien corpse' samples from Mexico

NASA urged the Mexican government to share samples from the alien corpses in Mexico. (Photo: Getty)

The year 2023 is shaping up to be a pivotal one in the ongoing debate about extraterrestrial life, and NASA has entered the fray, offering its insights into the enigmatic world of Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP) or the Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs).


NASA recently delivered its verdict during a press conference where it disclosed the findings of a year-long, $100,000 investigation into Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP).


The year 2023 has been rife with discussions about aliens potentially visiting Earth. Just days ago, a journalist and a self-proclaimed "ufologist" presented two purported "alien corpses" in front of Mexico's Congress, sending shockwaves across the globe.

NASA administrator Bill Nelson attends a press conference at NASA headquarters on September 14, 2023. (Photo: Getty)

This event occurred merely months after the US Congress conducted hearings on Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP), formerly known as UFOs, highlighting numerous instances where unidentified flying craft-like objects were sighted by the US Air Force, Navy, or Military.

Meanwhile, NASA made it clear during their press conference that they weren't losing sleep over the matter. They even officially called on the Mexican government to "make samples available to the scientific community."

What was NASA's investigation about?

In the past year, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) launched an investigation into UAPs, examining the numerous pieces of evidence and scientific data Earth has amassed over time. This extensive investigation, with an approximate cost of $100,000, aimed to shed light on UAP occurrences and claims of extraterrestrial life, all while establishing a scientific framework for understanding them.

On September 14, NASA held a special press conference to share their findings with the public.

NASA administrator Bill Nelson conveyed that no evidence was found to definitively conclude that these UAPs originated from extraterrestrial sources. On the other hand, he also admitted that NASA remains uncertain about the true nature of these UAPs.


NASA's perspective on the 'alien corpses'

The plot thickened when NASA officials were questioned about the two alleged "alien corpses" showcased to the public and the Mexican Congress by Mexican journalist and UFO enthusiast Jaime Maussan just days prior.

David Spergel, the head of NASA's UAP study, refrained from offering detailed comments due to a lack of access to samples from the two bodies; his information was limited to what he had seen on social media.

David Spergel, the person in-charge of NASA’s UAP study, declined to comment on the Mexico 'alien' corpses. (Photo: Getty)
We don't know the nature of those samples...
- David Spergel, chair of NASA’s UAP investigation.

Meanwhile, Dan Evans, an assistant deputy associate administrator for research at NASA, appealed to people worldwide not to succumb to conspiracy theories and instead emphasized the importance of scientific inquiry.

Dan Evans, NASA's Assistant Deputy Administrator, urged people to not believe conspiracy theories. (Photo: Getty)


One of the main things we're trying to do here today is to move conjecture and conspiracy towards science and sanity, and you do that with data.
- Dan Evans, an assistant deputy associate administrator for research at NASA

While concrete evidence confirming the presence of aliens among us remains elusive, the fact that even NASA, the preeminent organisation in space research, cannot definitively explain UAP occurrences certainly raises questions.

Last updated: September 15, 2023 | 16:04
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