
Drunk Delhi man loses car, laptop, Rs 18k to stranger in Gurugram pub. How to ensure your safety in clubs?

Dristi Sharma
Dristi SharmaJun 14, 2023 | 12:01

Drunk Delhi man loses car, laptop, Rs 18k to stranger in Gurugram pub. How to ensure  your safety in clubs?

Gurgaon police have launched an investigation into the incident. Photo: dailyO

Everyone has wild nights where they wake up hungover and regretting mistakes from the last night. It can be anything; from drunk-dialling your ex to posting a regrettable selfie on social media, but what happened with this 30-year-old, Amit Prakash, was something he would not have thought in his wildest dreams. 

What happened  

The incident unfolded when Prakash, seeking to unwind after a week of work, decided to visit a popular BYOB pub along the Golf Course Road in Gurugram on Friday, June 9. Little did he know that his Friday night would take a drastic turn, leaving him in a state of shock and regret.

  • Under the influence of alcohol, Prakash's judgment became way too impaired and he inadvertently paid Rs 20,000 for a wine bottle that should have cost only Rs 2,000. Fortunately, the wine-shop owner later refunded Rs 18,000 in cash to Prakash.

However, his misfortunes didn't end there.

  • Seizing an opportunity, an unknown individual approached Prakash and requested to join him for drinks.
  • Prakash welcomed him and the two continued their drinking session, eventually moving to Prakash's car and later stopping at Subhash Chowk.
  • The stranger managed to persuade Prakash to exit the car for a moment. Oblivious to the fact that it was his own car, Prakash headed home (talk about wrong judgements) to Greater Kailash II via the Metro and that stranger drove off with Prakash's car, laptop, mobile phone, and cash.

Later, the next day, after getting up with a hungover and the realisation of what he has done, he promptly filed a complaint at the Sector 65 police station in Gurugram.

According to The Times of India, the Gurugram police have launched an investigation into the incident. However, due to Prakash's intoxicated state at the time, he struggled to provide extensive details about the perpetrator.


Authorities are currently reviewing CCTV footage to gather more information about the person, according to Moneycontrol.

We can say what happened to Prakash is very rare, and generally people aren't drunk this bad; especially while they drink alone; but it can happen to anyone.

But if you are planning to go to a club alone, here are a few things that you can keep in mind:

1. Do not drink too much

It's important to drink responsibly, especially when you're alone. Avoid excessive alcohol consumption that can impair your judgment (like Prakash's), and lead to risky behaviour, or put you in vulnerable situations.

2. Do not get into confrontations

Engaging in arguments or conflicts with others can escalate quickly and potentially result in physical altercations. It's best to maintain a calm and friendly demeanour and avoid confrontational situations (especially if you're in Delhi and Delhi-NCR, ykwim).

3. Do not share sensitive personal information

Be cautious about sharing personal details with strangers. Revealing too much information about yourself while chatting (even if you're drunk), such as your address, phone number, or other sensitive details, can make you a target for scams or unwanted attention.

4. Do not leave your belongings unattended

Keep a close eye on your personal belongings, such as bags, wallets, and mobile devices. If possible, use a sling bag (to hold it close) or a pocket with a zipper for added security.


5. Do not accept drinks from strangers

If you're going alone, socialise; but do not accept drinks from people you don't know well, especially if you haven't witnessed the drink being prepared or served. 

6. Be aware of your surroundings 

No matter how drunk you are, be aware of your surroundings at all times, especially when you're alone. Avoid getting too absorbed in other distractions like your phone, as it can make you an easier target for theft or someone can spike your drink. 

Remember, while it's perfectly fine to enjoy your time at a pub alone, it's essential to prioritise your safety and make responsible choices to have a positive experience.

Now, ladies listen up. While it's sad that as women we have to take extra precautions, here are some points you can keep in mind: 

1. Trust your instincts

Always trust your gut feeling. If something or someone makes you uncomfortable, it's important to remove yourself from the situation by telling him to f*** off or seek assistance from the staff or security.

2. Choose a well-lit and populated pub

 Opt for pubs that have good lighting and a decent crowd. This creates a more secure environment and reduces the chances of being targeted.

3. Stay aware of your drink

Men or women, keep a close eye on your drink at all times. If you need to use the restroom or step away for a moment, either finish your drink or ask the bartender for a fresh one upon your return. Never leave your drink unattended.

5. Inform someone you trust

Let a friend or family member know your plans; including the pub you're going to and when you expect to return. The best is to share your live location over WhatsApp or text for better security. 

6. Utilise pub staff and security

These people are here for your help. If you feel uneasy or encounter any issues, don't hesitate to approach the pub staff or security personnel. 

7. Arrange transportation in advance

Plan your transportation to and from the pub ahead of time. Consider using reputable ride-sharing services or public transportation, like Uber and Ola. Opt for cabs at night for better safety and try not to fall asleep during the ride back home, or arrange for a trusted friend or family member to pick you up.

And finally, know your limits

Know your alcohol limits and drink responsibly. Pace yourself and know when it's time to stop drinking.

Now, the question is - how are clubs helping you?

dailyO reached out to clubs in Delhi and Delhi NCR, and here's what they do if they sense that someone is too drunk or someone is trying to create a scene or making someone uncomfortable.  

Nitin, General Manager of Zest Astor Club in Delhi-NCR, says there are various steps that they take after they sense that someone is too drunk or unable to take care of themselves: 

  • In what comes as the initial step, clubs will stop the drinks supply to the given table. 
  • Step 2 will be giving them lemon shots 
  • Step 3: Find someone in the group who is responsible enough and ask them to book a cab; or worst, if everyone is drunk, escort the entire group to their car or get them a cab.

Nitin says in the worst cases, he has spoken to family members and informed them that the said person is travelling back home. 

If someone creates too much of a scene, we make sure they are not allowed here again.
- Nitin

However, Ved Choubey, who has been in the business of managing clubs for almost 20 years now, says something else. Now, if you are from Delhi or Delhi NCR, you must be familiar with one of the areas of Noida that attracts a party crowd every day: Garderns Galleria.  

Choubey says that there have been so many cases where people engage in fights, that it has become very common now. 

Give me any date, and there must be someone who would have engaged in a fight that day.
- Ved Choubey

He credits this behaviour to 'excessive group or corporate parties', where people drink like there is 'no tomorrow', since they don't have to pay the bill.

According to Choubey, this increased number of cases has caused managers and staff members to avoid people who are either drinking too much or fighting. They no longer intervene unless in grave cases.

Nowadays, staff members just like to throw people out once it's 1 am (when the pubs shut). They do not care about the customer.
- Ved Choubey
Last updated: June 14, 2023 | 12:02
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