Delhi Police sources have revealed that Aftab Amin Poonawalla dated several women after murdering Shraddha Walkar, and was in contact with at least 15-20 women on various dating apps. One of the women, a psychiatrist who visited Aftab's Chhatarpur flat, reportedly said that she is in shock.
Latest updates:
#Shraddha murder probe: India Today accesses chilling confession details; killer Aftab admits to murder & butchery. @Sreya_Chattrjee with more details. #ITVideo | @PoojaShali
— IndiaToday (@IndiaToday) November 30, 2022
Shraddha murder case | Accused Aftab Poonawala has confessed that he murdered Shraddha and disposed off parts of her body in a jungle. He has also confessed to being in a relationship with several girls: FSL Sources
— ANI (@ANI) November 30, 2022
Recap: Aftab is accused of killing his live-in partner Shraddha Walkar on May 18 (date not verified), chopping up her body into pieces, storing them in a refrigerator and disposing them off in and around Delhi over several days, and possibly months. He was arrested on November 12 after a missing complaint was filed by Shraddha's father in October.
Delhi Police investigation has revealed that Aftab used to physically and mentally abuse Shraddha. Shraddha had reportedly decided to break up with Aftab in May 2022, resulting in him killing her. Reports say he didn't like the idea of Shraddha being with another man.
Delhi Police is yet to find Shraddha's body parts or the weapons used in the crime as evidence.