If you are suffering from a cough and cold or are seeing most people around you falling sick, you are not alone. This seasonal flu thing happens every year almost during the same time.
According to experts, India is in the grip of seasonal flu and cold which most people do not take seriously, but could be actually 'lethal'. This seasonal flu, which is also known as the 'spring influenza', is the reason behind most people having a sore throat, or running around with a handkerchief in their pocket.
Dr Meenakshi Jain, Director of Internal Medicine and Diabetologist at Max Healthcare, Delhi explains that there are two kinds of Influenza viruses. Influenza type A and Influenza type B. "A is more common in the Indian sub-continent", she adds. She says that the H1N1 (the infamous swine flu strain) is a kind of type A Influenza.
She explains that during this time of the year, there generally is a steep rise in cases of what we see as cough, cold, and fever.
Dr Jain adds that this influenza if not treated properly on time can even lead to Pneumonia. However, the most threatened age group generally are the kids or the elderly.
It generally depends on the person's immunity. A normal cough and cold take 2 to 3 days. Influenza takes 5-6 days if that person takes their meds on time.
People often confuse influenza with Covid since the symptoms are very similar. However, Covid is more dangerous and the symptoms are more severe than influenza. You can also take a swap test just like Covid to detect influenza.
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