Can you imagine a wedding being interrupted by totally random stuff? Like waves crashing into the wedding venue, for example? Well, there have been stranger reasons.
When I think of an interruption in a wedding, I can only think of the movie 3 Idiots. Remember when Raju, Farhan, and Rancho gatecrash a wedding only to realise that they have entered their Principal's daughter's wedding? And while they get caught red-handed, the gang manages this temporary interruption by coming up with the lame excuse of attending weddings 'for science'.
And of course, 3 Idiots begins with Raju and Farhan trying to flee the bride, Pia, from her own wedding. They interrupt the oh-so-perfect wedding by ironing the groom's sherwani with green chutney, thus keeping him busy, which buys them time to convince the bride to go with them to her real love, Rancho.
Though that was just the movies, many weddings have been interrupted IRL too. Here are 10 times when weddings were interrupted for pretty unbelievable reasons:
1. When the waves crashed in and made it a 'Wetting Party': There is a reason why people spend a lot of time planning the wedding venue. Though most of us love a wedding by the beach, there are a set of precautions that need to be taken. Clearly, these guys didn't factor in the most obvious factor...
2. When someone from the audience shouts, 'You Deserve Better': Imagine you are sitting in a crowd, witnessing a wedding ceremony on a fancy ship, when a random man screams, "You deserve better, girl, what are you doing?!" You feel amused and go ''whaaa!''. The groom then challenges the random man to a duel, and after they fence up the aisle, the groom turns out to be the Bollywood action hero and throws the villain out of the boat. Wow!
3. When the objector turns up at the wrong wedding: The ceremony officiator asks: ''Is there anybody that objects to this marriage today?'' and a man objects to it because apparently the girl has been 'forced into marriage'. After the groom and the objector duel it out, turns out there is a twist in the tale and the objector came in at the wrong wedding. Quite a comical interruption.
4. Internal politics: What happens when the members of the family fight among themselves on the wedding day? Here the aunt thought that the bride (ie, her niece) was cheating on the man since she had seen him going to a man's home every day. Turns out that the man was the bride's cousin. Of course, the bride's mother was upset and started rambling. But when the aunt attacked the bride's mother, things took an ugly turn. And then people drank, just to forget about the whole thing.
5. When the bride says no: The couple was there, the families were there, and so were the officiators. But the bride-in-gold seemed hesitant. Her 4 minutes of silence interrupted the wedding forever.
6. The background changes by itself: Imagine walking up the stairs with your bride on your wedding day when parts of the building just behind you start collapsing... Would you get upset that your wedding videos are now messed up or would you be grateful that the building you are standing on is still safe?!
7. Interrupted by divine winds (or warnings): If you believe that the universe is always talking to you in signs, you might love this one. The lesson: It's always better to follow the divine signs. Or you end up learning the hard way.
8. The best man turned into the worst man: Pick your Best Man very carefully, guys, lest they honestly ruin your day, even if accidentally.
9. Did you consider the kids? If there are kids at an event, they are mostly going to create memorable memories for you and everyone around you. Kids are quick, run around without a damn most of the time and often say things very honestly... Not something you may like when you are getting married, cos you might honestly end up with, umm, weird memories.
10. Take me fishing first! Please note: Take care of your kids first. Lest they create a scene at your wedding.
Have you ever witnessed an interrupted wedding?