Technology. Entertainment. Design.
TEDx platform brings forth people who are passionate about making a difference through an “idea worth spreading”. One idea is all it takes to start the journey of change.
Who they are
TEDx speakers are people with extraordinary ideas stemming from a passion to make the world better, more efficient, sustainable, with a promise of a brighter tomorrow. These people are thinkers, doers, and change makers and they redefine perspectives on popular beliefs.
Their ideas cause a ripple effect as people who listen to them are left inspired with access to information that can help them be part of the change.
TEDx speakers are the new leaders, who have unheard of heroic stories of personal growth, inventions and discoveries. They are a different breed of leaders, they are humble, focused, motivating, positive, and above all, driven by their ideas.
Take for example TEDxDelhi speaker Diwakar Vaish. He will be speaking at the upcoming event on December 11, 2016 at Indian Habitat Center. Diwakar will be showcasing his patented, ultra low-cost robotic prosthetics.
Diwakar Vaish's innovations aim to provide eco-friendly, affordable solutions. (Photo: India Today) |
His innovations aim to provide eco-friendly, affordable solutions. Creating the robotic prosthetic is the tip of the iceberg forDiwakar’s inventions who has already created a 3D-printed humanoid, a mind controlled wheel chair and many more world changing products.
How we find them
At events like TEDxDelhi, we search for people with unique ideas throughout the year. We look at these ideas through lenses that reflect the world we want to craft for the future - a more equal, peaceful and understanding world.
If ideas have evolved humanity to a certain place, we cannot let the worldstep back. Therefore, TEDx speakers convey thoughts in a language that is understandable and relatable for the audience. The impact aims to convert these ideas into anew norm.
The journey of giving a TEDx talk
The process takes a year, and the interactions between the TEDx team and the speakers are more important than the talk itself.
Though they are outstanding in their respective fields, only about 25 per cent speakers walk into the program knowing the exact ideas they want to put out there. The other 75 per cent broadly know that they have discovered something brilliant, but aren’t able to clearly convey their intentions.
And though they have delivered numerous talks on their subject, it is in the interactions with a skilled curator that they discover an "idea worth spreading".
TEDx humanises ideas
The audiences that listen to these talks are not scientists, doctors, psychologists or experts. To put it simply, they are not equipped to understand the technicalities of the subjects of all the speakers.
These talks make the ideas more accessible to non-experts, as they are presented in a relatable, simple, and effective way. It is this version of an idea that can be owned by the audience.
Each person can participate and be part of the larger picture. They get an opportunity to be a part of the collective change we are bringing about in the world. It makes the idea more powerful and exponential.
So head on over to TEDxDelhi. Experience it.