
If you add salt to your food at the table, get ready to die 2 years earlier

Amrutha Pagad
Amrutha PagadJul 11, 2022 | 17:12

If you add salt to your food at the table, get ready to die 2 years earlier

Adding that extra bit of salt can kill you. Representative Image.

Is the salt in your food always less for you? Do you add extra salt to the food at the table? Hold on to that sprinkler! Your ‘salty’ habit may knock two years off your lifespan. A new study has found a link between premature death and adding more salt to the food at the table.

According to the research, people who consumed more salt than normal were at an increased risk of dying early, compared to those who did not have the habit. 


The research: A snapshot  

  1. Compared to those who didn’t add extra salt, those who did had a 28% increased risk of premature death.
  2. Death before 75 years of age is defined as premature death.
  3. Increased intake of salt cut off 2 years from the lifespan among men and 1.5 years among women at the age of 50.
  4. The research analysed the eating habits of 5,01,379 people in the UK over an average of nine years. 
  5. The research did not account for the amount of salt added while preparing a meal.
  6. The researchers did adjust their analyses to take into account factors such as age, gender, race, deprivation, body mass index (BMI), smoking, alcohol, physical activity, diet and medical conditions such as diabetes, cancer, and heart and blood vessel diseases.
  7. The researchers also observed that those who consumed higher amounts of salt but also consumed high amounts of fruits and vegetables had lesser associated risks. But the findings were statistically insignificant. 

Source: The research was led by Professor Lu Qi, of Tulane University School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine, New Orleans, US. It was published in European Heart Journal on July 10, 2022.

Prof Lu Qi said, “To my knowledge, our study is the first to assess the relationship between adding salt to foods and premature death.'  

A salty affair: Salt is a controversial ingredient on our table. While most of the focus is usually on high salt intake, it also needs to be noted that zero salt intake has negative effects on health too. Salt contains sodium, which is essential to maintaining a healthy diet. However, too much salt can be unhealthy and is associated with cardiovascular ill-health. 

Nonetheless, salt intake can also be balanced by a potassium-rich diet. 

Potassium-rich foods that you can eat for a balanced diet. Source: Harvard School of Public Health

The current research is significant mostly in western families where adding salt on the table is a common practice. Moreover, salt is also found in high quantities in pre-prepared and processed food. So the next time you reach for that pack of French Fries, think twice (especially if you are a regular consumer). 

How much salt should you consume? For an adult, the World Health Organization recommends no more than 5g of salt or 2g of sodium.  


In a nutshell, while consuming a high amount of salt is unhealthy, the research should also be taken with a pinch of salt. 

Last updated: July 12, 2022 | 15:27
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