
How ginseng became a skincare staple

Dristi Sharma
Dristi SharmaAug 12, 2023 | 12:30

How ginseng became a skincare staple

Ginseng has been linked to improved skin hydration and moisture retention. Photo: dailyO

Ginseng, a small, slow-developing plant with succulent roots, has become a cornerstone of Korean skincare. It can be categorised into three groups based on its growth duration, recent harvesting state, and hue. Found in Asia and parts of North America, some people find that its uneven, pale-colored root bears a resemblance to a miniature human.

Curious about how this root became a valuable asset to your skincare routine? Let's delve into a quick guide. According to Quench Botanics, 

  • The inclusion of ginseng in skincare products originates from its extensive use in traditional Asian cultures for its potential health benefits.
  • This journey traces back to its traditional role in herbal remedies, the discovery of its antioxidant attributes, and the growing interest in natural skincare ingredients.
  • As ginseng gained recognition for its antioxidant and adaptogenic properties, it captured the beauty industry's attention, especially after the surge in popularity of Korean beauty products worldwide, including the West and India.
  • This phenomenon led to the development of a wide range of ginseng-infused products, from serums to facemasks and even supplements.

But the legendary story behind this product, as shared by Healthline, dates back to the 1500s and revolves around a woman named Hwang Jini, renowned for her exceptional beauty, who was known to utilize ginseng – a practice that was then emulated by many.

Benefits for Your Skin

Speaking to dialyO, Dr. Abhinav Singh, a dermatologist from Noida, explains that Ginseng root contains numerous bioactive compounds, including saponins, polysaccharides, pectin, sugar, vitamins B1, B2, B12, pantothenic acid, and minerals. These compounds enhance oxygenation and circulation to skin cells, promoting a healthy glow. Additionally, he notes that the herb's rich antioxidant content offers multiple benefits for the skin.


Here are a few potential skin-related benefits of Korean ginseng:

1. Anti-Aging Properties

A limited 2017 study involving 21 Korean women aged 30 to 65, all with wrinkles, revealed that the application of skincare products containing ginseng and Crataegus pinnatifida, a Chinese fruit, demonstrated potential in preventing wrinkle development and enhancing skin hydration.

Other studies  also suggest that ginseng's antioxidant properties may safeguard the skin from environmental damage and oxidative stress, both of which contribute to premature aging.

Ginsenosides and other compounds in Korean ginseng might help support collagen production and improve skin elasticity, potentially reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.
- Dr Abhinav Singh

Skin Hydration

Ginseng is associated with improved skin hydration and moisture retention. This could aid in maintaining healthy, supple skin and preventing dryness.

Anti-Inflammatory Effects

Inflammation often plays a role in various skin conditions, such as acne and eczema. Research indicates that ginsenosides possess anti-inflammatory properties, potentially aiding in soothing and managing these skin issues.

Brightening and Radiance

A small 2020 study involving 23 participants found that the skin lightened in those who used fermented black ginseng cream twice daily for 8 weeks.

Dr Abhinav agrees, noting that ginseng, particularly Korean ginseng, may help improve skin tone and promote a more radiant complexion. He attributes this to ginseng's ability to enhance blood circulation and microcirculation, contributing to a healthy glow.

Ginseng contains numerous bioactive compounds, including saponins, and vitamins B1, B2, B12, and minerals which help to increase circulation of skin cells for a healthier glow.
- Dr Abhinav Singh

It's important to acknowledge that while some scientific evidence supports these potential benefits, further research is necessary to fully comprehend the precise effects of Korean ginseng on the skin. Additionally, individual responses to herbal remedies can vary, and what proves effective for one person might not yield the same results for another.


Also, bear in mind that if you are using Korean products as an Indian seeking improved texture and a healthy glow, the coveted "glass-like skin" might not be attainable. While Korean products containing ginseng, such as serums and moisturizers, can certainly enhance your skin's appearance, the attainment of glass-like skin is a trait largely determined by genetics.

Last updated: August 28, 2023 | 15:23
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