
Ho Ho Ho... here's how you can avoid that Christmas hangover

Dristi Sharma
Dristi SharmaDec 25, 2022 | 08:00

Ho Ho Ho... here's how you can avoid that Christmas hangover

Christmas is almost here, and so are our parties. While some people celebrate Christmas and the New Year by taking a break and travelling, others, like us, will wind up drinking and enjoying Christmas like any other weekend.                                                                                                                                                                                                                             

However, because it is Christmas, many people wind up drinking more than they can handle. But, the after-party affects will hit us really bad this time since the next day will be Monday.


So, to avoid such a terrible cocktail mix of Monday blues and hangover from hell, here are a few tips you can keep in mind: 

Ideally, party on Christmas eve: Hear us out. This year Christmas and New Year both have decided to come on the weekends (no extra holidays), so like any other weekend party, if we party on Saturday (Christmas eve), we will have a full Sunday to recover from our hangover, and also we will time to do what we are actually supposed to do during Christmas like visiting a Church maybe? Or Decorate the Christmas tree or go to a nearby Christmas market?
(But if you still decide to party at Christmas, we got you)

  1. Mix and match: Once you start the party, it's impossible to keep in count the alcohol you drink, but controlled drinking is important if we want to avoid the next day's hangovers. To avoid this, try having some energy drinks or mocktails in between the alcohol, so that less alcohol gets in your system.

  2. Eat good food throughout the day: Try eating healthy throughout the day at least, to compensate for the amount of junk you are gonna dump in your body later. 

  3. Don't drink empty stomach: Dr East as reported by Metro UK, says that, alcohol is absorbed more in the body empty stomach, which might lead to even more terrible hangovers. So, eat (not too much though) before you start drinking and also try munching on light snacks while drinking.

  4. Hydrate & hydrate: Water is probably the best way to make you feel a little less nauseous and also tame your hangovers. Keep a bottle of water next to your drink, so that you can sip water in between the drinks and the next morning whenever you wake up. 

  5. Avoid shots: Go for cocktails and try enjoying the drink instead of gulping it. This might help not only to avoid hangovers but it might also save you from a sore throat the next day. Also do not mix drinks, stick to one kind of alcohol. 

  6. Avoid pain killers: Pain relief can help to ease any headaches you may be dealing with, but taking aspirin or ibuprofen can irritate the stomach lining which could already be inflamed due to alcohol intake. Paracetamol at standard doses is probably the best painkiller, according to Dr East.  
  7. Make yourself a protein-rich breakfast: Get up and have a proper breakfast, that should be rich in protein and light to start the day, without hangover or hangxiety.

But before you go...

Last updated: December 25, 2022 | 08:00
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