The hottest months of the northern hemisphere are upon us and the sun drains every ounce of energy from your body. And at a time when the body is already working so hard to keep you cool as the mercury soars, it has the added task of keeping your immune system at its best — thanks to the pandemic.
How about we make things a little easier for your body? We bring you a summer cooler that will replenish your energy levels as well as boost your immunity. Need more? This refreshing drink will help restore healthy bacteria in the gut AND is good for your skin, hair and nails. As you chill with this refreshing swill that will make Popeye happy, your body and immune system will thank you.
What you need:
Four cups of spinach, chopped
Four stalks of celery, washed and chopped
One green apple, halved
One green pear, halved
One bunch of parsley
One lemon
How to:
Blend together all the ingredients except the lemon with half a cup of water.
You can strain it if required. Else, just add a dash of juice from the lemon and refrigerate.
Serve chilled.