If Mr Peanutbutter, the lovable Labrador from Bojack Horseman, chanced upon Avengers: Infinity War, he would surely throw up his hands in the air and exclaim in good-natured exasperation: “What is this, a crossover episode?”
But the upcoming — and perhaps the most awaited — Marvel film does fit the bill of one gigantic crossover episode. It stars an array of characters from an array of Marvel movies like Thor, Dr Strange, Guardians of the Galaxy, Black Panther, Antman, Spiderman: Homecoming and many more. Think of any character from any Marvel film you’ve seen in the last decade, chances are he or she is in this film; unless they are dead, of course.
The movie picks up four years from the events of Guardians of the Galaxy Volume 2, when the Avengers unite against Thanos, who wants to collect all six of the Infinity Stones that will make him invincible. The Avengers thus join hands with the Starlord in an attempt to save planet earth. So, of course, Marvel fans are already billing Avengers: Infinity War as “the most ambitious crossover event in history”.
The problem, however, is when you make an assertion that sweeping on the internet, you are met with stiff opposition. And boy, did the internet prove Marvel fans wrong.
In a classic case of “we will not let you have your moment of glory”, social media users started tweeting about their all-time-favourite crossovers. Some were pop-culturally relevant; some not so much. But mostly, all of them were funny, not just because they were good crossovers, but because how petty the whole endeavour seemed.
Marvel: “Infinity War is the most ambitious crossover event in history.”Me: pic.twitter.com/Uf76ZXRdtc
— Randi Mason (@randimason) March 20, 2018
Marvel: 'Infinity War is the most ambitious crossover event in history'Me: pic.twitter.com/hYcuXRWH6l
— J'onn J'onzz (@MustyKonyByke) March 19, 2018
Marvel: 'Infinity War is the most ambitious crossover event in history'Me: pic.twitter.com/MtFh4X7x8V
— Jesse McLaren (@McJesse) March 20, 2018
Marvel: “Infinity War is the most ambitious crossover event in history.”Me: pic.twitter.com/W2vvSJrRkp
— Brian Lynch (@BrianLynch) March 20, 2018
Marvel: 'Infinity War is the most ambitious crossover event in history'Me: pic.twitter.com/NStBNq1ezx
— Bobby Palmer (@thebobpalmer) March 19, 2018
Marvel: "Infinity War is the most ambitious crossover event in history"Me: pic.twitter.com/9LeWUzARZ9
— ryan teague beckwith (@ryanbeckwith) March 20, 2018
Marvel: 'Infinity War is the most ambitious crossover event in history'Me: pic.twitter.com/tcZHC2Hoax
— mo’ manu mo’ problems (@ManuclearBomb) March 19, 2018
Marvel: 'Infinity War is the most ambitious crossover event in history'Me: pic.twitter.com/vr55gPED3T
— Zeddy (@Zeddary) March 20, 2018
Marvel: “Infinity War is the most ambitious crossover event in history.”Me: pic.twitter.com/jGPIM7vbMO
— Rameez (@Sychlops) March 20, 2018
marvel: "infinity war is the most ambitious crossover event in history"me: pic.twitter.com/jiQnkVNmGC
— Genius (@Genius) March 20, 2018
And once Indian Twitter users got into the mix, things went weird. From movies to TV shows to politics, there is nothing that was spared the tag of crossovers.
Marvel: “Infinity War is the most ambitious crossover event in history.”Me: pic.twitter.com/LASGbimexM
— lil robbie nln (@iwanadielmao) March 20, 2018
Marvel: “Infinity War is the most ambitious crossover event in history.”Me: pic.twitter.com/ILmcSZZTvM
— S H E E N ???? (@SuchAMisfit) March 20, 2018
marvel: 'infinity war is the most ambitious crossover event in history'me: pic.twitter.com/qOOXjUL2Qu
— Bakwas Rider ????️ (Wear helmet at the back also) (@BakwasRadio) March 20, 2018
People who haven't watched Sonpari-Shaka laka boom boom merger episode in childhood are suggesting better crossovers than Infinity War. Cute!
— LOLendra Singh (@LOLendraSingh) March 20, 2018
Marvel: “Infinity War is the most ambitious crossover event in history.”Me: pic.twitter.com/5uXJWH8EA8
— Rameez (@Sychlops) March 20, 2018
Marvel: 'Infinity War is the most ambitious crossover event in history'Me a Gujju: Ae, chal Despacito laga, Garba karte hai.
— Godman Chikna (@Madan_Chikna) March 20, 2018
Marvel: 'Infinity War is the most ambitious crossover event in history'Me: pic.twitter.com/CZGicKGwgD
— Aveek Ballal Senzai nln (@aveeksen) March 20, 2018
marvel: “infinity war is the most ambitious crossover event in history.”bcci: pic.twitter.com/191aM6a2RZ
— lil lemon nln (@muteista) March 20, 2018
Marvel: "Infinity war is the most ambitious crossover event in history."Excuse me! pic.twitter.com/Za2gagzzhM
— Devarsi Ghosh (@devarsighosh) March 20, 2018
Marvel: “Infinity War is the most ambitious crossover event in history.”Me: pic.twitter.com/Ft6mkf4HFS
— Thiccachu (@floweraldehyde) March 20, 2018
Marvel: Infinity War is the most ambitious crossover event in history.Me: pic.twitter.com/OpEZylUpQK
— Scotchy (@scotchism) March 20, 2018
Marvel: “Infinity War is the most ambitious crossover event in history.”Me: pic.twitter.com/uctXOXok0L
— dr roturaj singhanianus (@ElCrankoPunko) March 20, 2018