
Kim Jong-un the terrible: Nightmare of a leader, dream villain for Hollywood

Manas Gupta
Manas GuptaSep 02, 2016 | 13:39

Kim Jong-un the terrible: Nightmare of a leader, dream villain for Hollywood

Kim Jong-un is a dream villain for Hollywood. I wonder if he even knows that he makes Bond villains look like harmless poodle puppies. In fact, his methods are so outlandish that such villains can only be found in B-grade tripe that revels in blood and gore.

Now, we've had genocidal dictators before, including the likes of Hitler, Stalin and Idi Amin, to name a few, but never before have we had a fanatic who takes such pleasure in killing people with such bizarre methods.


This time he has gone ahead and executed his 63-year-old deputy premier for education for sitting "disrespectfully". How does one do that? You didn't cross your legs while sitting. *Bang* End of story. I hope he never visits India. If he sees people squatting in the fields in the morning... s**t will really hit the fan.

Earlier this month, he had two officials executed with anti-aircraft guns for disobeying him. Someone needs to tell him those guns are used to bring down aircraft that weigh tonnes. This is not a "Leh goli khaa" moment from Sholay. Methinks he takes the phrase "facing flak" too literally.

Kim Jong-un makes Bond villains look like harmless poodle puppies.

In 2013, he had his head of military executed, again by anti-aircraft guns (what is with this guy and AA guns?) for falling asleep during a meeting. Thank god, he is not part of any corporate board. I presume conference tables in Pyongyang carry the warning: Snoozing can be injurious to your health.

Of course, some of these stories are so outrageous that one suspects if it's nothing but propaganda being spread by Seoul.

In 2014, for example, there was a story going viral about how Kim Jong-un fed his uncle to starving dogs. Turns out it was from a satirical story that some news outlets picked up. Yup, everyone doesn't have a sense of humour. It is, allegedly, as rare as common sense.


Executions in North Korea are perhaps a national pastime. In 2014, North Korea reportedly publicly executed at least 50 people, including several party officials for watching foreign films and soap operas. And you thought your life was hard? At least no one's executing you for turning silly Prabhudeva and Salman Khan films into mega hits.

Of course, one does feel sorry for the North Korean people, constantly fighting poverty, an authoritarian police state and a homicidal maniac for a leader. Maybe, some of them are even getting affected by the hysteria.

Last year, North Korea claimed it had created a wonder drug which not only cures AIDS, but also eradicates Ebola and cancer. You are legally allowed to laugh at this, unless you're in North Korea.

Dear Kim, you're not even the most famous Kim on the planet. Heck, even her derriere is more popular than you.

Last updated: September 02, 2016 | 13:39
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