
The Mandalorian Season 3 Episode 4: Grogu's painful history and the 'best' Star Wars cameo ever

Ayaan Paul
Ayaan PaulMar 23, 2023 | 15:25

The Mandalorian Season 3 Episode 4: Grogu's painful history and the 'best' Star Wars cameo ever

The latest episode of Disney+ Star Wars’ The Mandalorian is one of the season’s best yet, featuring a familiar face gleaming with affection and excitement.

Episode 4 of the third season takes off with our titular Mandalorian, Din Djarin, surrounded by his kind, having been freshly reinstated among the rank of the Creed. As each Mandalorian practices and hones their skills on the shores of the lake on the refuge planet, Din decides that it’s time to put Grogu’s skills to the test.


The mischievous green baby is plucked away from his playtime and thrown straight into direct combat against a fellow Mandalorian foundling. A game of darts to determine the winner is called, eliciting nervous cooing from the little one.

The anxious Grogu turns to his adoptive father for respite, having been mercilessly blasted with a dart twice already, only to be met with support and reassurance from Din. In a franchise ridden with dysfunctional parents, it’s safe to say that Din’s undying faith in his tiny green son is one of the most healthy familial relations that Star Wars will ever witness.

Grogu, now fully reinstated with confidence in his abilities, pulls off a sick double-backflip before blasting his sparring partner with darts and winning the round - a moment ripe with the “judge me by my size, do you?” sentiments from a certain other green Jedi Master of old.

The nostalgic parallels are fleeting however, as Grogu has now begun his journey as a Mandalorian initiate, seemingly renouncing the path of the Jedi, despite his Force-sensitivity. While Din and the others are off on a relatively run-of-the-mill side quest, Grogu pitter-patters behind the Armourer to learn more of the Creed and the Mandalorian Way.


As the Armourer began her sermonising set to the same beskar-pounding ringing that made traumas of Din’s past flash before his eyes in the first season, Grogu recounts his very own history of trauma that serves as a segue into a flashback sequence. The Order 66 flashback segment is most certainly the highlight of the episode, with the last remaining Jedi fending off the treacherous Clone troopers against a younger, more helpless Grogu.

As the Jedi youngling’s large, black eyes light up with the flashing blaster-fire, the trauma of living in the aftermath of Order 66 as a Jedi cannot be overstated. Order 66, the decree issued by the Galactic Republic's Supreme Chancellor Palpatine, marked the extermination of the Jedi Order. 

The Jedi, once the guardians of peace and justice in the galaxy, became hunted fugitives, forced into hiding and exile. The psychological impact of this sudden turn of events was devastating, leaving deep and lasting scars on those who survived.

The traumas of living in the aftermath of Order 66 as a Jedi were profound and far-reaching. The loss of purpose, comrades, identity, fear of persecution, and connection to the Force all combined to create a state of deep psychological and emotional distress, especially for the few surviving younglings like Grogu.


The horrors of the massacre are quelled as Grogu is escorted out of the temple by a familiar warming presence - one who hasn't been seen in the franchise since the Prequel trilogy. 

Fans would be quick to recognise Star Wars veteran Ahmed Best take on a new role in the franchise as Jedi Master Kelleran Beq, in a massive transformation from his previous role as Jar Jar Binks in the earlier films. The short cameo however, comes from a history of Best’s lived trauma as a cast member of the notorious Star Wars prequels.

Best's portrayal of the infamous character Jar Jar Binks in the Star Wars prequel trilogy was met with a fervent degree of hostility and vitriol from a certain segment of the Star Wars community. The actor endured a barrage of verbal abuse and harassment, even death threats, that unfortunately became a hallmark of online trolling and harassment.

The abuse and bullying that Best has experienced is a tragic reflection of the toxic and entitled nature of certain corners of fandom culture. His courage and resilience in the face of such adversity is a testament to his strength of character and serves as an inspiration to those who have also faced similar mistreatment.

As Best’s Kelleran Beq slashes and swerves Grogu to safety, away from Coruscant, The Mandalorian thus completes a short but much-needed redemption arc for the actor in the franchise. Both Grogu and Best together come to terms with their distressing pasts in the most befitting manner.

The degree of sensitivity and nuance with which Favreau and Filoni approach their writing is a testament to the fact that they are listening, they are aware and they are propelling the franchise into the most fulfilling it has been in a long time. 

New episodes of The Mandalorian stream Wednesdays on Disney+ Hotstar.

Last updated: March 23, 2023 | 15:25
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