Bollywood actor Swara Bhasker took to Twitter on Thursday (February 16) to announce that she has married Samajwadi Party leader and political activist Fahad Ahmad.
“Sometimes you search far & wide for something that was right next to you all along. We were looking for love, but we found friendship first. And then we found each other! Welcome to my heart @FahadZirarAhmad It’s chaotic but it’s yours! ♥️✨🧿,” she tweeted.
Sometimes you search far & wide for something that was right next to you all along. We were looking for love, but we found friendship first. And then we found each other!
— Swara Bhasker (@ReallySwara) February 16, 2023
Welcome to my heart @FahadZirarAhmad It’s chaotic but it’s yours! ♥️✨🧿
The actress shared a video with a montage while detailing their love story. She said that that the couple registered their wedding in court on January 6, 2023, under the Special Marriage Act.
Who is Fahad Ahmad? According to his Twitter profile, Fahad Ahmad is the State President at Samajwadi Yuvjan Sabha, a youth wing of the Samajwadi Party in Maharashtra.
Swara's acting career: Swara Bhasker is best known for her supporting work in mainstream productions and lead roles in independent films. She has won two Screen Awards and has been nominated for a Filmfare Award on three occasions.