As the beloved anime Attack on Titan comes to a grand close, a particularly brutal scene featuring a red-clad baby as a symbol of hope and humanity amidst chaos, echoes the iconic 'girl in red' from Schindler's List.
The grand finale of Attack on Titan has brought the series to its conclusion. Nearly a day later, fans are still grappling with the impact of its devastating ending. The destruction of The Rumbling was initially unveiled in the first half of Attack on Titan's anime finale, but it escalated in its severity recently.
When Studio go beyond their powers and animate the scene more terrifying than manga
— Jaeger (@ParasiticEager) November 5, 2023
This is so horrrific how Rumbling can be so terrible #AttackOnTitan
The latter half of the series finale effectively emphasised the sheer brutality of The Rumbling. Numerous innocent civilians met their demise at the behest of Eren, but amid such this nightmare, a glimmer of humanity was personified through a single child.
In the final episode, there is a striking monochromatic scene, with the exception of a single baby swathed in a crimson wrap, ensnared within a crowd of evacuees. The adults are frantically trying to flee from The Rumbling, only to find themselves cornered by a precipice.
Mappa really made this scene more scary than the manga its litrelly the most epic scene in Attack on Titan #shingeki
— 𝐊𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐒𝐮𝐤𝐮𝐧𝐚 ☢ (@King_Sukunaaa) November 5, 2023
As the titans inexorably advance, the desperate civilians are forced to plunge to their deaths, yet one mother steadfastly refuses to let her infant share her tragic fate. In a final act of love to save her child, she engages in a heart-wrenching feat, crowd-surfing her baby before her own descent, while other helpless adults follow suit.
Amidst the relentless slaughter of numerous innocent men and women, the undaunted spirit of humanity persists. The adults band together to transport the baby, cradled in its blood-red shawl, to what they believe to be safety in a truly harrowing moment. Even as the world crumbles around them, the people exemplify their resilience in their shared determination to safeguard an innocent baby.
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In keeping with the series' theme, Attack on Titan highlights the strength that the oppressed can exhibit, and the plight of this baby served as a poignant reminder to a group of adults just before their own tragic end.
The scene shares compelling thematic similarities with the iconic 'girl in red' scene from Steven Spielberg's Schindler's List.
In both instances, a vivid splash of colour amidst a predominantly monochromatic setting serves as a powerful symbol of innocence and vulnerability in the midst of overwhelming adversity.
In Schindler's List, the young girl in a red coat is a poignant reminder of the Holocaust's horrors. Her presence amid the bleak and desolate landscape of World War II concentration camps serves as a stark contrast to the inhumanity and suffering surrounding her. Her red coat not only draws our attention but also symbolises the loss of innocence and the brutality of war.
Likewise, in Attack on Titan, the scene featuring the baby swathed in a red shawl amidst the black-and-white backdrop represents a similar symbol of innocence and hope. As the world crumbles under the devastation of The Rumbling, the baby stands out, underscoring the fragility of life and the enduring spirit of humanity. The actions of the adults, who come together to protect the infant, mirror the resilience and compassion seen in Schindler's List.
Both scenes emphasise the capacity for humanity to endure and demonstrate compassion, even in the face of unimaginable challenges and atrocities. They highlight the importance of preserving innocence and hope during the darkest of times, reminding us of the strength of the human spirit.