Bollywood actor Akhil Mishra, renowned for his role in the blockbuster movie 3 Idiots died in an out-of-the-ordinary kind of accident when he hit his head after falling from a stool in his kitchen.
The news of the 67-year-old actor's death was confirmed by Mishra's wife Suzanne Bernert.
The actor gained popularity for his role in the 2009 blockbuster bollywood movie 3 idiots and a hindi-language TV soap-opera, Uttaran.
The late actor’s wife, Suzanne Bernert confirmed the news of Akhil Mishra’s death through her publicist. The publicist also revealed the actor’s cause of death, which was something a bit out of the ordinary.
Akhil Mishra gained a lot of popularity for playing the role of Librarian Dubey in 3 Idiots and was even part of one of the most popular comedic sequences of the movie.
The actor was also a part of the Hindi TV soap opera, Uttaran where he played the role of Umed Singh Baldev Singh Bundela.