We don’t know how to feel good/look good unless the person in front of us compliments us by saying, ‘You're looking good’.
In an instant, our mood lightens up. There is a smile suddenly which reaches our eyes.
This, precisely, has dominated the fashion industry since time immemorial.
We don’t decide what we look good in — it’s always the call of others to decide whether we look good in a saree, a skirt, a pair of jeans, etc.
You may hate Kim Kardashian, but her recent confession — that her super-tight Met Gala dress was painful to the point of driving her to anxiety — should not be dismissed as an attempt to attract attention. (She anyway gets a lot of attention).
The problem is real — because you are not allowed to look real.
A corset is not new. This undergarment — which can alternatively be called a cage — was in vogue during the Victorian era.
Once you slip into this cage, your torso looks more desirable — and more unreal, of course.
In Bollywood, we don’t know why we don’t talk much about the corset and its killing effects. That doesn’t mean the corset is not there. Be it a corset or a waist trainer or shapewear, we have seen it all. Every celebrity wears these shapers like a second skin.
Cruel Fashion
Kim Kardashian now was wearing a nude dress, bedecked with crystal droplets, to look as if she had stepped out of the ocean.
The nude dress looked like her own skin.
And believe it or not, she was wearing a corset underneath her dress to get that hourglass shape.
No wonder she had painful marks on her stomach and back.
“I have never felt pain like that in my life,” Kardashian said afterwards.
We are not denying the fact that celebrities are paid a lot to do these events.
But all these episodes set the wrong precedent to women who see them, admire them — those who can't afford a corset, and eventually, opt for shapewear to achieve that perfect shape.
They are the actual victims of this cruel practice.
The thinness race
It’s also not only about thinness, to be specific — it's actually the fancy of the moment of fashion designers. Like when designer Sabyasachi says he's tired of stick-thin models and now wants heavy-bosomed models, he hands out the new sermon.
The Barbie measurements — voluptuous bosom, thin waist, rounded buttocks — can’t be the result of diet and exercise.
If a model, for example, is thin, she won't have 36-inch hips. And one fulfilling this measurement can't naturally have a 24-inch waist.
So, here comes the waist trainer.
The worrying trend is that wearing a waist trainer is also seen as an easy way to lose weight.
You are slow-poisoning yourself
Picture this. You are not thin, but if you wear a tight dress, you look thin. How? Because the dress is like a cloak which won't take the shape of your body — instead, it will give you its shape, by compressing your body with the help of shapewear. Wearing such tight dresses for hours and on can lead to a painful and unhealthy compression of organs. Normal body functions get choked. One can get acid reflux as well.
Kim Kardashian's team was in fact praying that she wouldn't want to visit a washroom.
We should actually pray that such impossible beauty standards be totally decimated.
This is far too heavy a price to look perfect.