
Butter Stick, Sizzling Scooper: 5 unnecessary inventions that might make your life easier

Akshata KamathDecember 7, 2021 | 13:29 IST

How many times has this happened to you, especially when you were a kid, that you carried something fancy to school one day, only to find that it's ‘lost somewhere’? You suspect someone to have stolen it but you can't find the culprit. If only you were there at that moment and found who it was, life would have been better. 

Looks like people in Japan won't face that issue anymore. We happened to come across a Japanese snack monitor that alerts you when someone steals your snacks. Well, Japan is known to live in 3021 even when the rest of the world tries to figure out 2021.

Here's what it looks like:


Since we thought it was cool, we dug up 5 more weird innovations which we think we could use in our everyday life.



An Indian company called Butterico came up with the concept of Butter Stick to do away with clumsy knives. Since it was created like a Fevistick, you could carry it anywhere (office, home, work) with convenience. It was created in multiple flavours (garlic and peanut) to be an easy add-on to parathas, rotis, etc. But it seems like the company no longer exists, even though the idea does.



So, there are normal itches and then there are the incredibly pesky ones: itches that you just can’t reach. And often, no matter what instrument you use, nothing compares to the relief that a skilful human finger provides. But when someone cannot seem to find the exact G-spot of your itch, you might get frustrated. You can only go up, down and right and left, but not exact for a few annoying moments. The Back Scratcher T-shirt is made of a grid and comes with this handy cheat sheet cardboard, which you can use to point exactly where your itch is.  


Back Scratcher T-shirt

This is how it is supposed to work. Photo:


Now that you and I are talking about weird innovations, it is essential that we introduce you to Matty Benedetto. Matty is a product designer, and makes a living creating unnecessary innovations. He designs and creates prototypes to solve problems that apparently don't exist (but everyone just prays for solutions to them), and then promotes it with a marketing campaign that 1.1 million people follow him on Instagram for.

Here are some of our favourite (unnecessary) creations by him:  


We all want to just come home to someone, take off our coats, relax on our couches and and sit down for a drink. But what do you do when there is no one to chill at home with? Well, you chill alone, with a small drink.  


It's winter and we want ice cream. We get the ice cream dabba to watch with our favorite moives, but when it's time to open it, you struggle with it. Now, you need a strong spoon and you need a heavy hand to get one scoop. You can't get a proper one, so you wait. But 15 minutes later, it seems like you waited a longer time because now the ice cream has turned into water-cream. A sizzling scooper now comes to your rescue: it heats your ice cream because it is a candle beneath a spoon. No idea what to do with the candle once the ice cream has melted, but yeah, for now, this seems like it can make life better. 


No one likes spilling drinks around, because they are just plain inconvenient. Worse, if you are wearing white. They can be disastrous to say the least. So, we would really really like to try this. Just to see if this is usable even once. (PS: Folks on YouTube caught that big drop at the end of the video; as did we. Looks like the invention isn't quite flawless...)

Do you know of some weird innovations?

Last updated: December 07, 2021 | 13:29
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