Bollywood actress Kangana Ranaut received the Padma Shri on Monday during the ceremony in New Delhi. Post the event, Kangana posted a video on Instagram. In the video, she talks about her journey in the film industry and the many lawsuits filed against her. Did she know what was about to happen in the next two days? Well, we don't know.
WHY IS KANGANA BACK IN THE DOCK? Kangana was a guest speaker at a media event. Now, you know controversy is another name for Kangana Ranaut. She didn't fail to prove that wrong all over again. During her session, she said, “The freedom gained in 1947 was 'bheekh' (alms) and India attained real freedom in 2014 (referring to Modi 1.0)."
WHAT HAPPENED NEXT was not unexpected. Twitter called Kangana out for her comments. Former Union Minister Anand Sharma requested President Ram Nath Kovind to withdraw Kangana’s Padma Shri 'immediately': "Hon'ble @rashtrapatibhvn should immediately take back the Padma award given to Ms Ranaut. Psychiatric evaluation should be carried out before giving such awards so that such persons do not dishonour the nation and its heroes," the Congress leader wrote in a series of tweets.
...AND MORE BACKLASH: The Queen star was also criticised by BJP's Varun Gandhi, who called out Kangana for insulting India's freedom fighters, from Mahatma Gandhi to Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose. Varun Gandhi wondered whether to call Kangana's way of thinking 'pagalpan - madness' or 'deshdroh - treason'.
Actress Swara Bhasker's tweet was directed at the people applauding Kangana.
DID KANGANA GO A LITTLE TOO FAR THIS TIME? Well, there's no answer to that, really. Kangana lands herself in controversies every now and then. But this time, she seems to have struck a nerve. Twitter tore into her. Politicians from both the ruling party and the opposition are criticising her no end. She has already lost her Twitter account. Will this compel her to introspect? Maybe this Instagram video is an answer.
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